Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They can’t land a glove on him

He’s taking on the Russians and swatting away the hysterical left in parliament without breaking sweat

Big dog floundering like fuck here :laughing:

What’s happening?

Sir Keir strung him up like a kipper today, strung him up good and proper so he did

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SKS using logic is all well and good but he’ll need some viral content to grab the attention of Joe Public.

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Well, the usual but he was extra shouty and faux-indignant today.

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A perfectly reasonable analogy. Time to move on.

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He’s cleared things now it’s time to move on.


he’s some operator

Aaaaand there go the erg.

A man always looking for a quick getaway :laughing:

He and a few others invoked Jesus today, bit of a pick up in that kind of thing in blighty politics lately.
Be afraid.

Apparently Steve Bakers seat looks under threat from labour.
Such fear and he’s suddenly found Jesus.
I wonder whether the erg have decided upon a successor.

You get a better class of bobby in ingerland eh @Tassotti