Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He always put me in mind of American Psycho tbh.

That took me back. Kenny Everett was good craic

His News Summary for the deaf was a classic.

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Bye bye indeed.

A very odd individual

A Tory MP.
Seems a prerequisite these days.

Personally I think this story suits the Tories. It’s a classic example of easy to understand sleaze and absurdity taking the heat off law breaking, corruption and appalling government, plus it gives the Tories a bogus chance to come across as being seen to exercise “probity” and “morals” on an expendable sacrificial lamb, a firm hand, while they have plainly refused to do so over far more important matters.

Obviously yer man is a thundering gobshite - I can barely imagine the arrogance one would need to have to watch porn on a phone in parliament with your phone in full view of other members (wahey) - suspend him by all means but it’s hardly a full blown resigning matter. And by jaysus there are far more important things in UK politics to be talking about.


Agreed easy distraction for them

He was only on that porn website looking for directions away from it.


This will increase the lack of thrust in politicians.

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A fucking shambles of a country

I’m surprised he hasn’t come out and said he was looking at porn as research for a bill he is looking to bring to parliament to make it harder for under age folks to access it or some such crap.

Has he come out yet to say he has an addiction or something and thats why he couldn’t wait till he was somewhere private to watch it?

Worked for a famous rockstar unbelievably.
If it was a stupid WhatsApp you could forgive it. If it was a porn site then :person_shrugging:
He’s not supposed to be the worst of them either.


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