Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

He’s not up to the job. He couldn’t lay a glove on Boris

Another tory boy obsessed with Angela I see

Sir Keir will soon realise he’s playing senior hurling now

Boris +4

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Time to give Corbyn another go at it


What a speech from Sir Keir :clap: :clap:

BoJos press pack trying to do a number on Sir Keir

Sir Keir discussing what could happen if found guilty of something he says he didn’t do

Once you’re explaining you’re losing

Adv Boris

Not sure about that. If Starmer is found guilty and resigns, it puts baby in a corner

You’re assuming Johnson has morals



The man has repeatedly lied and been caught engaging in sleazy and corruption, do you really think he could be shamed into resignation :smiley:

The Torygraph are moaning now because Starmer has called them on their made up bullshit.

This whole made up “story” really does sum up what a fundamentally stupid country Britain has been turned into by the Tory press, and the fundamentally pathetic nature of right wing Britain.

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Alex Wickham of Politico is now trying to hype up a 2020 Christmas party which never happened in an effort to bring down Starmer.

The shameless corruption in the Tory press is almost comical.


“Close the door”
“It’s Black Rod”
“Open the door”

Daft buggers :laughing:

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Limerick fans running amok again.

Michael Gove has lost it altogether.

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Coked out of his tiny mind… Look at his eyes.


Is Britain fucked?

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Under Labour there wouldn’t be nearly as many food banks - the tories and johnson are doing their best to feed to povs, people need to back him. He had a child and almost died of covid, after all.