Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)


I’d hope any other Tories from Preston would condemn that.

Tories plus 8.


Windfall tax incoming I bet or someone is about to be thrown under a bus

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Simon case is in mid air as we type.

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In more important news

Con + 12

Sounds like Sky News hired the nerdy fella from the Inbetweeners.




Sounds like Tony Blair

Rupert has turned on Boris.

I wonder how thin the ice is getting under Boris cc @Declan_Moffat ?

Bridgen is a fucking idiot and a loudmouth. Rumours that the threshold of letters has been met but that Graham Brady won’t announce it until after the Jubilee. The phrase “if you come at the king you best not miss” comes to mind. You’d hope there’s enough with a backbone/fear for their seat.

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It’s the fear for the seat that’ll do for him.
He cleaned house of anyone with a backbone.
It’s amazing, he’s been blessed with luck, but still teeters. Even the fact that so many of the Tory MPs were relatively new to the game has been a big advantage.
I think the worm has finally turned though.
They are 90% cunts the ones in Westminster, and pretty much 100% of the party membership.
What kind of loathsome creep is a paid up member of the Tory party :person_shrugging:

Have listened to the Alistair Campbell and Rory Stewart podcast? It’s very good.

I’m sure there were some moderate Tories but they all seem to have been booted from the party. It’s full of cunts now. Some of the 2019 MPs are particularly loathsome. Johnathon Gullis being one but they’ve been enabled/emboldened by Johnson.

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I wouldn’t listen to that cunt Alistair Campbell on principle tbh. I like Rory Stewart.