Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Oh I know but I’d recommend it. There’s an episode where Stewart talks about the Tory leadership contest which gives an insight to them. Snakes the lot of them but they unite to get power and win elections.

The article in the FT last week was interesting, in that what the Tories really fear is a libdem - labour coalition, as the likely price of libdem participation would be a bill on PR, whereby a single transferable vote would apparently keep the Tories out of power for a generation.
Theyd all be dead then.

Could they do that without a referendum flatty?

Im not sure, but I’d imagine so. The brexit referendum was advisory only. It needed a bill passed to make it law.
Whether it would float politically I’m not sure.
They’d need the MSM on board.

No. And labour wouldn’t back it either.

It would be the price of government. In any case, I think SKS might. He’ll likely be stabbed in the back by that Uber -weasel Andy Burnham though.

They don’t have the stones.

I heard a stat the other day that the Tories had an 80 seat majority with just over 32% of the vote. Sounds like the US but how anyone voted Tory in the last election and is now surprised at what transpired beggars belief. What else did they expect ffs.


Labour is unelectable under Starmer, he’s a wet blanket

He doesn’t understand the working man. Only has time for the privileged lefty elite.

he’s a champagne socialist

Ye all have short memories, the 2011 AV referendum failed miserably, 33% ta 67% Nil, was a variation of PRSTV in that you would still have single seat constituencies but vote down the ballot paper. Was brought in as part of the Lib Dem/Con agreement to coalesce in 2010. Hard to see a different result now either, cant see Labour being more than lukewarm in their support.

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That was a referendum though and with no engagement from anyone really. I don’t think legally it requires an advisory referendum. With the right PR, they could simply pass a bill. Just need to explain to thick John bull that they would have an extra choice. You could sell it easily as two votes. Like I said, it would need the MSM on board, certainly the BBC.
I think there was a fairly paltry turnout at that one too.
If they had any sense of mischief they’d just say that now they are free of the shackles of the EU, they can change to PR, and let the Tories flounder around.
The suggestion in the FT was a single transferable vote.
I think it would have a decent chance of passing. 2010 was different days.

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Investors should hedge for an “existential” sterling crisis as the British currency faces struggles usually seen in emerging markets, according to Bank of America Corp. strategists.

Andrea Loathsome has turned.
The ultimate spinnaker.
Bojo is toast
Cc @Declan_Moffat

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Odds are he still wins a vote of no confidence I would have thought

Doubt it. The rats will be feeding on his carcass. It’s bad optics before an election if the party back someone widely considered to be a liar.

He’ll still win but but will be a dead man walking if more than 125 vote against him

I’d not bank on him winning at all. If he did win, it wouldn’t matter how many backed against him. They couldn’t try again for a year. Normal rules do not apply. He will have to be forcibly ejected from downing Street as he won’t resign.

I imagine there is a reasonably significant cohort that will back Johnson no matter what while the alternative is to have somebody like Liz Truss as their new leader.