Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Possible they would lose power but they won’t get a hammering. The Sun supported Labour in 1997, they will not do so this time. Plus the Tory press in general is far more fanatical than it was then. A lot of the Tory press wanted Major out either way in 1997 because he was pro-Europe. The thought of a Labour government now is far more difficult for them to stomach. Plus Labour is riven by infighting and the tankies will try and prevent a Labour government by trying to drive down the youth vote.

Johnson is the type that would try and carry on as PM even if he lost his own seat.

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As good a metaphor for Tory politics as anything.

Is that @flattythehurdler in his Galway jersey @1:30. Just like Galway running about fifth.

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I am calling it
The total number on votes of no confidence against Boris tonight is… :drum:

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Close, but no cheese wheel.


Hey fucko, you never came back to me about that sound bar on your telly. What make of a yoke is it?

Any word from Westminster?
Does Sir Graham count the himself?

I’ll check. I think it’s a Samsung or an LG. It has a wireless subwoofer too. It’s excellent.

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My man in the 22 says they are flabbergasted by the results so far.

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Flabbergasted by the fact that they are all pro-Boris still or that he’s toast?
Or are they too flabbergasted to go into that sort of detail?

He says there is a lot of long faces in the Boris camp right now

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Who the fuck knows how it will turn out really.
This mob cant be trusted in anything they say, I reckon a quarter of them that have publicly shown support will vote against him.

The parish pump must be at breaking point for some mps

Boris will win the torys cant face another election, they will lose a lot of seats. Its symbolic to get borris to listen to the backbenchers

Thats their dilemma. If Boris wins, Labour wins next time out. Boris loses and a new leader has two years to turn it around. In the words of Dennis Hopper in speed. “Pop quiz, what do you do?”

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Looks like he’s wearing a crash helmet.

This would be an epic stabbing in the back if it came off.

Still don’t believe it’s on.

I’ll go with 140 against him.

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Anything above 130 he’s gone in all but name. The odds are he’ll call a snap election if its around that mark or worse to avoid two upcoming by elections he’s likely to lose and the pressure piling on. His only hope would be a fresh mandate altogether

There are rumours he is thinking of doing that. The Tories will be routed in the Wakefield by-election and I think they will lose the one in Devon.

Hasn’t been an election in July since 1945 I’d say?

Again I repeat, the rules are different for Johnson. He and his backers have necks harder than crocodile leather, and they control the press.