Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Excellent result.

Banks is part of a broad worldwide pro-fascist front which seeks to shut down speaking truth to power.

A scumbag of the worst order and a genuine traitor to his country.


Be interesting to see what arises. Can banks appeal this, because he will certainly find the money/take the truble to do so if he’s allowed.

He says he will and I don’t doubt he will. He’s a vexatious cunt who wants to shut down democracy by using his money to wage lawfare against journalists who stand to lose everything should Banks’ high priced lawyers come up with convincing enough bullshit.

Of I agree. He seems to have a bottomless well of money from somewhere.

Gareth Southgate can relax. Looks like asylum seekers have inflicted a 7-0 defeat on Priti Patel and Boris Johnson.

They even got a free hand job. Must be the first time a flight didn’t take off from a British airport for this reason since Neil Prenderville.

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Sounds like the whole thing was a ploy to join Russia and exit the convention on Human rights

Britain needs to liberate itself from pesky human rights. If you don’t have the freedom to round up asylum seekers and dump them into a country ruled by a dictator four thousand miles away, is it freedom at all?

The original Mr Moonlight

This is a nice story, the photo of your man, and this line

i was expecting a different model


I doubt that’s it tbh.

I doubt that’s the model.
Actually it is, well it’s the right body.

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It’s disappointing. I was expecting something like this


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Flatty, what is happening with the rulers of tanland?

Newspaper articles and super-injunctions mentioned on Twitter for the Boris Kemal fella.

I like the cut of this Mick Lynch fella’s jib.

He’s made mugs of Tory Chris Philp, Richard Madeley and Kay Burley over the last 24 hours in television discussions about the UK rail strike.

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Boris is also trying to take out a super injunction against the article he had pulled from The Times about trying to give Carrie a job when he was riding her whilst he was married. Even the civil service baulked, but her certainly tried.
The story was also dropped from the BBC after pressure from downing Street, though of course Boris (talking about himself in the third person) says it wasn’t him doing it.