Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

So the tories plan to blame labour has seen them try to get #cheerskier some traction on twitter.

It’s not going the way they hoped it would


amateur hour putting her into the ground when he had a shed full of pigs out the back

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36 hours ago nobody had heard of Mick Lynch. Literally overnight he’s become the most influential man in Britain. He is a remarkable communicator. The entirety of the British right wing are scared out of their collective shits of him. It’s wonderful.

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They will come for Mick sooner or later

They already are coming for him. The Mail are spewing out hit pieces that have all the punch of Chris Philp in Newsnight last night.

Their “hits” amount to Lynch earning £124k in salary (which is he is demonstrably worth) and lives in a house in Ealing which would be worth a million quid on the market (apparently it’s now a crime to own a house in London).

They’ll have to up their game big time because that’s hilariously weak.

He had poor Kay rattled something awful here…

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My favourite one is the one at 2:43. This man has a message that will cut through and is cutting through.


He’s both impressive and unflappable just baits presenters and Tory shills, never loses his cool and has a simple effective message that is resonating.


The Tory media complex dont like it up em

He done Kay Burley up like a kipper there.

‘Mr Lynch, Mr Lynch, Mr Lynch….’ was all she could muster repeatedly as he schooled her.

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He is the UKs Micheael D. Not afraid to stand up for the man on the street

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Michael D wouldn’t lace his boots. Couldn’t bend down that far


If there’s a man on the street it’s because Michael D evicted him.


Lovely little roll eyes from him there when Kay said I’m older than I look

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£2 a penny says that Mick Lynch is a Brexiteer.

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Tom walker has summed it all up in a song called no 10. Released the other day it’s top 5 streaming charts already. He doesn’t spare the government worth a listen on Spotify. Tried to post it here video too big

Was a brexiteer. I suspect he may be less enthusiastic these days.

They were brexiteers for very different reasons to the tories tbf. He likely wants to renatioanlise everything. Which is a bit different than leaving so you can make it even easier for your billionaire buddies to make more billions

It’s the same motivation. It’s just the number that’s different.

Why are we in Ireland so interested in UK and American affairs instead of focusing more on our own shite?
Possible answer: Big Irish populations in each of those countries, but if the Irish govt focused on sorting out Ireland so those countries didn’t have to have Irish people emigrating there…