Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Any number of reasons I’d say. American investment is vital in Ireland nowadays. Immigration to both counties and proximity to the uk. The Americans are keeping the lights turned on in the likes of Killarney and bunnratty etc.

I get that but e.g I am in Spain, the Brits are keeping the lights on in the resorts along with the Germans but there isn’t half the attention on UK news. Suppose there is population difference as well v Ire and Esp.
It’s in the news alright but less so.

We live in a small country. Population is the same as the greater Manchester/Liverpool region. Our news is usually indescribably dull and usually the same day in day out. Why wouldn’t people be interested in the more entertaining Uk or US news. Particularly as it’s in the same language.


Clowns to the left of us, jokers to the right…

The current iteration of the USA is circling the drain and the tories are doing some lovely fascism creep. Right now the huns and the septics are the most interesting/entertaining/horrifying political circuses in the english speaking world.

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Language could change that too I guess.

I see the UK right wing tabloid media have settled on the angle by which they will take down Mick Lynch. They have exposed him as using a picture of a Thunderbirds puppet lookalike as a social media profile picture. In the Thunderbirds series the character (The Hood) is a baddie, “the world’s most dangerous man”.

Piers Morgan nailed Lynch by repeatedly asking him if by using the picture of the Thunderbirds puppet, he was comparing himself to “the world’s most dangerous man”.

That’s fearless investigative journalism by Morgan. The very definition of speaking truth to power.

What. A. Scandal. This changes everything.

He’s probably realising now that increased pay of 5% isn’t as great when inflation is running at 15.

World leading something something…time to quarantine these nitwits

Your man in Johnny English had the right ides. Build a huge fucking wall around it and turn it into a prison

Fucking cunts.

They are entitled to it


Joe is on it like a car bonnet…

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Choose life


Wham supported the miners’ strike.

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:grinning: - lads who are demanding Ukraine be admitted to the EU eulogising an organisation that listed these reasons as the reasons to leave

“social dumping” :grimacing::grimacing:

They are UKIP with a hammer and sickle lapel badge.

April 2016

RMT Press Office:

TRANSPORT UNION RMT today set out six key reasons why it will be advising members to vote to the leave the EU in the forthcoming referendum:

  1. Leave the EU to end attacks on rail workers

New EU rail policies are set to further entrench rail privatisation and fragmentation. That will also mean more attacks or jobs and conditions and EU laws will make it impossible to bring all of rail back into public ownership.

  1. Leave the EU to end attacks on seafarers and the offshore workers

The EU has promoted undercutting and social dumping leading to the decimation of UK seafarers. The same is now happening in the offshore sector. EU directives also require the tendering our public ferry services.

  1. Leave the EU to end attacks on workers’ rights

It’s a myth that the EU is in favour of workers. In fact the EU is developing a new policy framework to attack trade union rights, collective bargaining, job protections and wages. This is already being enforced in countries which have received EU “bailouts”.

  1. Leave the EU to end Austerity

If you join a union you expect members of the union to protect each other in times of trouble. The European Union has done the opposite. It has used the economic crisis to impose austerity and privatization on member states. Instead of protecting jobs and investment EU austerity is driving UK austerity.

  1. Leave the EU to stop the attack on our NHS

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade agreement being negotiated between the EU and the United States will promote big business at the expense government protections and organisations including our NHS! Environmental regulations, employment rights, food safety, privacy laws and many other safeguards will also be secondary to the right of corporations to make even bigger profits.

  1. Leave the EU to support democracy

The vast majority of the laws that affects our lives are now made in the EU and not the UK. We have no say over those Laws. As the late Tony Benn said in 1991…

“We are discussing whether the British people are to be allowed to elect those who make the laws under which they are governed. The argument is nothing to do with whether we should get more maternity leave from Madame Papandreou [a European Commissioner].”


Lynch is a dangerous bastard, but flavour of the month with the woke crew, thats all that matters

How dangerous dangerous is he?

Simple lads just jumping on the latest bandwagon. Swinging from left to right and back again - gloriously unhindered by brain cells.
It’s bemusing so it is.

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