Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

the plank can’t lay a glove on Boris

There are many valid criticisms of the EU, the idea of liberalising the market is an underlying tenant of EU membership. Driven by the corporations who run all countries.

For example we had the lowest electricity prices in the EU before we were forced to make the market “competitive” by increasing prices so that private business could “compete”. Now there are whatever 6 or 7 companies all creaming profits and all paying the top men ridiculous money like no one else could do the job when in reality its a job most competent people could do. Increase prices lower costs bla bla. The amount of people who could successfully run a company is far far higher than for example the amount of people who could succesfully run an individual power plant or maintain an electricity supply network. Yet the pay for one is exorbitantly higher than the other. We end up with inflated costs, and instead of profits going to the state or reinvested in the network they go to share holders and CEOs on massive bonuses. See English rail system for another example. The consumer is screwed for profits.

However the flip side of that, is the old telecom eireann where you were two years waiting to get a phone line installed (or a friendly TD nod) and no one could enter the market to compete even though obviously the market was rife for competition from which the consumer would have benefited massively.

Similarly Unions became too powerful here for a long time and ultimately badly harmed employment in the country. Its ongoing to an extent, you can be the most useless bastard in the civil service and still be unsackable and still be comparatively really well rewarded.

The flip side is the US where they crushed unions in the 80s and you get ten days holidays, no job security, tragic minimum wage and you can die without health insurance.

As always the happy spot is somewhere in the middle.

If a company is making millions/billions then why shouldn’t workers be rewarded commensurately. The lads at the top are often the most useless do nothing bastards in the company, so why shouldn’t the lad working his bollox off on the factory floor get a salary that rewards him


It needs a forklift driver’s union. I wonder who could be the head?

They’d get whatever they wanted just to get out of the room

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Fiona Bruce keeps interrupting Mick. Shut the fuck up.

She doesn’t post here Assumpta

‘Mick’ holding the whole country to ransom. Has a great ring to it .

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Because he’s not in the union as his co. Don’t recognise them …you’ve gone full circle …

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The most striking part of this is the last bar graph. The UK is fucked



Mick mick mick

Fiona’s a proper Tory.

The absolute state of the Tory representative here. I mean Rachel MacLean, not Fiona Bruce, although I also note the absolute state of Fiona’s “both sides” reaction at the end.

Rough night for the Tory boys

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Party Chairman gone. Biggest majority turnaround ever in Devon. Only Ukraine keeping Bojo in place at this stage.

In fairness they are making it easy for him. What a shower of morons

The EU is about the market above all else. It tries to smash public ownership for private when and where it can . The transatlantic deals with the US and Canada will materialize again, they already have I think. Watch those erode public ownership further and tear consumer and citizens rights apart…The suggestion it’s a union is laughable… The ability to transport goods and labour across borders without restrictions basically puts all of us at economic war with each other. Each finding an angle to outdo other member states… Like Ireland drawing skilled labour from all around Europe to fill jobs we can’t fill, leaving a shortage of skills in these other countries which adversely affects their cost of living… Of course we up wages to attract talent which has a knock-on effect to our cost of living… Then when we hit recession, the cheap labour we attract to do menial work withdraw to safer markets like Germany and back in 2008 it was the UK, putting nearly 1 million people competing against low income earners inp such countries already… And on we go… Market, market, market. The free movement of people just fucks wages in the end.

The EU has also become rule by austerity. It rules by the ECB who dictate everything we can and can’t do. And the cunts , after years and years of encouraging reckless lending to our banks, put austerity on the average person to protect German bond holders… Because that’s what the EU has turned into, a system that protects larger economies at the expense of the smaller… With their shitty single currency ruling over multiple different economies , what a stupid , failed, concept :grin: … separate economies, separate tax systems controlled by a central European bank who sets interest rates and no finance department in the EU to run the show … Absolute fucking ludicrous.

There’s no doubt it has done wonders for us in the past, poor cunts like @Fagan_ODowd and @Malarkey grew up having to wear hand me down underwear that went through five previous sisters and brothers…we get it, the EU helped modernize us. But we don’t have to stay welded permanently to it because of that. Giving away economic sovereignty to a central bank who sets interest rates to suit the dominant economies (Germany) means we are always a hostage to a economic downturn on the terms of others. At least with your own currency you can protect yourself from spiralling in such situations.

Of course then when they wreck you they step in with the Troika to tell you the terms of your prison sentence :grin:

It’s a neoliberal organisation that pits us against each other and lubes up those that fail for a good fucking. It’s capitalism 101, pit worker against worker and fill the coffers of the elite as the workers ate each other. And it’s largely unaccountable too… We all elect people to an EU parliament but what do the cunts actually do? The policies are largely made by faceless technocrats, another joke shop…

Our shores are fished to death. We pay farmers not to farm. We’ve no spuds @gilgamboa … But we have a few tolled roads.


Wouldnt it be easier for the big euro countries just to drown us in red tape if they wanted to go to economic war with us?

Go home Da your drunk again



Who do you work for again Tom?