Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The EU has done more for this country than anything else in history.

It has been responsible for more laws and regulations to protect employees than anything else in history.

It ensures safety of goods, of food, protects animals. It is the reason we have data privacy laws and many many consumer protections.

In the first fifty years of twentieth century we had two world wars between European countries. We’ve not had one in the 70 odd years since EU came about.

When we could set our own interest rates they were 16 per cent.

The free movement of people has allowed for cross pollination of cultures across Europe and means a person can travel to, live in and work in a continent without restriction. Fancy moving to Spain or Portugal tomorrow. Off you go.

The free movement of goods means a person can open a business in Achill and sell his wares to anywhere on the continent. No forms or customs.

It’s been an amazing success story. Ireland has benefited more from it than anywhere else.


Why do you say that? Interested in your reasoning.

They don’t, but still ouch.

Picking up tips from her boss.

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This simply isn’t true. The only thing keeping Boris in place are his MP’s, who couldn’t care less about Johnny foreigners in Ukraine (they’ve made this clear by their roadblocks to sheltering those fleeing, and by the decades prior to this of londongrad, and their pithy response to the state ordered murder of innocents by the Russians using nerve agents on English soil).
Ukraine is neither here nor there.
The worm may turn as the only thing the Tory MPs care about are their seats. He is clearly an election liability now. Even those idiots can surely see this.
The only genuine question is whether they actually want out of power now they’ve scorched the earth.


The UK has had a tight labour market over last decade or more. Even with that, wage growth has been slow and average wages are low against increasing prices. Even with modest inflation over last decade it looks like wages have not kept pace and there’s been a decline in living standards. It suggests that people who said the Tories wanted Brexit to create a low wage economy were on the right track.

That bottom bar graph points to UK being a low wage, low skilled economy.

A vile creature.

I agree, but compare it to a global average, and you could argue equally that the UK is more competitively placed if they ever get a government not insistent upon locking themselves into a dank cell and throwing away the key.
Certainly there are huge swathes of genuine poverty in the UK which simply don’t exist in Ireland.
By the same token, there are swathes of people in the UK who are used to a mild penury which would be seen as intolerable in Ireland. I’m not sure Ireland has it right either

Alistair Campbell on there on sky news saying he half wishes biris would stay just to yhe the tories crumble

Alistair Campbell speaks a lot of sense. It’s a shame he is a total cunt wallowing in the blood of millions.


Yeah the more competitive thing is an angle but that only works if you make and export stuff people want to buy. At the moment the UK doesn’t really do that. And if that’s a model then self inflicting a trade war makes no sense.

As you say the penny will surely drop with the MPs now. They’ll be wiped out in two years.

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Yup. It actually doesn’t matter if none of the cabinet resigns after this.

Tiverton and Gone-iton.


Is there a Bury by-election coming up?

None of the cabinet will resign. They couldn’t mow a lawn. They’ll never again get to a level anywhere near this.
The bar council should look at Suella.

I know that flatty but if the mps on the ground start to walk in numbers, surely someone will see sense

Mrs sullivan

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It’ll be the 1922 committee. A shower of the greatest cunts on the globe.

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Assume all Irish trade union leaders will now assume they are as articulate as our Mick and demand tv/radio interviews

It’s time for Ireland to follow the UK and leave the EU.

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