Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

The next senior cabinet resignation will tip it. Javid had previous and Sunak should have done it last time, he’s been damaged goods for a while now. If Bojo can avoid another big dogg jumping ship tonight he just might hold on until the next episode. I think someone else walks though most likely Zahawi

One for the Barclays thread.

My money is on Ben Wallace to be the next PM

I’d say he’d win a run off if he gets into one. His trouble might be getting into the run off.

Seems like a normal enough chap.

I love when this thread is buzzing… You see all the uncle Tom’s getting worked up about Tan politics. It’s fascinating to watch.


Nige knew

I’d have more admiration for them. They stuck with him through about 1400 resigning matters at this stage and are seeing it out.

The rat cunts jumping shit now, supported the cunt through everything and now suddenly find a moral backbone

To paraphrase Stewart Lee, cowards, stuck between two forms of cowardice


There aren’t many big dogs around

He didn’t promote big dogs

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The Thicks Of It

Poor auld Hezza was born 30 years too soon

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Hezza was probably the best version of a tory politician. Not a high bar admittedly.

Fulvio asking @Rocko

Kenno Clarke was another one. Major himself didn’t turn out too bad.

This current lot are one sorry bunch alas

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Unfortunately he bought his own furniture

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“Lived with his mother” all his life.

Clarke also. Major waa weak but not evil I’d say

He was riding Edwina Currie. What does that say about him?

Any man that can get up on Edwina Currie must have a stomach like an ox