Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Shamelessness is a massive insulator for charlatans. Johnson operates according to the law of the schoolyard bully.

But now he’s pushed it too far.

All Starmer has had to do, and could do, is to have integrity and appear competent by comparison, keep chipping away. He’s done that.

Even Tony Blair would have struggled massively against Johnson. There were entirely different rules when Major was his opposition.

Johnson is an out of control megalomaniac who eventually hung himself.

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Five junior ministers nobody has heard of have resigned.

That is as mealy mouthed a letter as you’re ever likely to read.

“It’s about taking back control”

This getting like the time of the FF govt before 2011 election, a few lads will be minister for 3 or 4 things


Johnson intensely desires everything in his life and in Britain to be reduced to being like a television comedy drama, with all the sense and coherence of a performatively furious online row about GAA eye gouging and suspensions.

This would be a fitting finale.


  1. there is a VONC in the HoC where enough Tories vote with the opposition for it to be passed.

The convention then would be that the PM has to resign, with the wrinkle that the possible alternative is to ask the Queen for an election.

At that point (if the PM doesn’t resign, or tries to call a GE) it comes down to what the Queen would do.

But there is at least a strong case that she would at that point have to dismiss him and refuse a GE.

(And appoint the new Tory leader as PM)

Traditionally, there has been a convention that PMs do not put the Queen in a position where she has to make a decision like that. But with Johnson, who knows?

(Incidentally, one thing I don’t think he could do - but I defer to anyone with knowledge of the Tory Party’s rules - is stop a leadership election taking place and a new leader being elected.)

This is the denouement of this phenomenon in Britain. Politics as utterly absurd pantomime. Britain needs Declan McBennett as PM. It needs dishwater dullness to make a return to politics.

He’s sweatin like fuck in front of this liaison commishee right now and they haven’t even got to the shcandalous tory-centric stuff yet.
He’s floundering on trade and immigration at the moment.




Ah lad. Come on now

Boris 1 Select Committee 0

Boris 1 Select Committee 1

Government Resignations is at 32 MPs now according to the live count on the top corner of the screen on Sky News :smiley:

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This is brutal, he really cannot hack any kind of serious scrutiny at all.

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‘Famous Oxford debating skills’ :rofl:

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They were saying on the News at One that when Theresa May resigned, the 22 club* came to her and said “we’re going to change the rules to get you out, please resign” which she nobly did.

*think that’s the name of it

He’s being skewered here all bluster and blather

What a stroke this would be :laughing: