Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Up to 33 now.

Sir Bernard was having none of Boris’s implied election threat. He made mincemeat of Boris there

The chief whip is currently waiting for Boris back at No 10.
I wonder what he has to say

come in boris, take a seat



Watching it here now, it’s bonkers



Boris says there is a problem with alcohol and same people can’t take their drink.

This is the modern version of a public execution

Sir Bernard is not a man to be fucked with

Up to 35 resignations now

The exchange between Sir Bernard and Boris was outstanding TV

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The grey suits are at the door of Number 10 Boris will be heading to Buck House tonight

He’ll probably try and get the leg over.


He’s an appalling person, but he is most certainly box office.
Amazing to think there was a chance he’d have survived getting a gobble of a junior acolyte, in the office at work, whilst his wife was having chemotherapy, and then trying to reward said oral debasement with a 150kpa non job.


Johnson must be an absolute megalomaniac. His party are sharpening knives to skewer him and he’s blithely faffing away playing the Prime Ministerial role for which he was entirely overwhelmed by.
Make no mistake about it - he’s gone clane off the reservation.

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Conv +4

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If Patel turns on him, he surely go then
What’s the Gover up to?

Boris is a loveable rogue.

The gover told him to do one