Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Johnson’s tenure will be remembered for its chaos, it malice, its criminality, its destruction, and its construction of a fantasy world of make believe and la la which its supporters decided to inhabit.

But in the future @farmerinthecity may write of how it was not any of those things.

Compared to what followed, at least.

53 :flushed:

And he only a pretend toff

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He’s looking at a stripped down cabinet now alright.

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He’s a right needy Cunt this lad

That war criminal Allister Campbell gets absolutely roasted here

Boris is probably better off weeding this non-officer type lads out
He gave him a chance and was thrown back in his face

This Zahawi chap is an utter snake, even by Tory standards.

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Is it time for him to go?

Resignation statement being prepared according to Sky News

She dreamed that one day she would be Education Secretary. And for one day, she was.

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With all of these snowflakes resigning and jumping ship, we can count our blessings that the Prime Minister is showing far more resilience to govern in such tough times economically and is avoiding the temptation to do likewise.

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The Wolf of Downing Street.

“I’m not fucking leavin!!”

It would appear he is leaving, though.

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Ah no. I was enjoying this

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Be great entertainment to knock another few days out of it


The hysterical musings of lads saying Johnson will try and do a Trump reveal a very simple view of the world and a failure to grasp the real differences between the UK and US system of government.

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He’s nearly at the weekend, hold on Boris!!

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Kay Burley has it that Boris is gone!