Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)


Its always an accumulation that causes these things. Very rarely is there a big bang.

Time to change the profiler?

Let it go lads.

And if he’d grabbed the arses himself he probably would have survived it

Not beyond the realms of possibility that Putin has collapsed the government to get his boy in. He owns enough if them

Give it Big Sam to steady the ship

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Crackingly withering observation from our Fenian princess

He’s trying to buy time.

Most likely because Johnson doesn’t want to say the word “resign”, or indeed any other related word, ie. he doesn’t want to deliver a resignation statement.

It was a classic pincher movement


The cunt is formulating a new cabinet. Truly a gas man.

I’d say he’s as drunk as a skunk right now.

Statement at 12.30pm.

Hopefully he necks it out for another bit

Theresa May on now comparing the charade to that most Empiracle of things - cricket.
FFS at least it wasn’t rubby. This is painful scutter from another failed PM.

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He’s getting drowned out by the Bay City Rollers. :grinning: