Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

I reckon it’d be more that sbw, being by all accounts a bit of a dick, has raised the hackles of enough of the meeja that they are only too happy to pull him down a peg.
Fairly major asterisk beside his name now in any case. I wonder what oul raceradio makes of it all. (actually I don’t)

Walsh took the soup with team sky. His brand is damaged but looks like kimmage was right the while time; all professional sport is full of cheats and junkies


Its still quite an achievement how all the top sportsmen and women have achieved so much despite being hindered by medical conditions. Its astonishing.

Took the soup? He gulped it down and asked for more. Lance must be laughing his ass off.


Seething, more like.

No doubt he sees the irony of it.

Mixing with the plebs in first rather than the jet

given the amount of top athletes with asthma, its breathtaking


That was a tremendous listen.

Kimmage is for an early grave the way he’s going on

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He was going on about Brolly, said he’s not wired like the rest of us. All I could think is that there aren’t many wired like Kimmage either.

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I saw a doctor say on twitter that if someone needed the dose that Wiggins was getting he would be considering hospitalization, not to mind go and cycle a major tour

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His one man crusade is admirable,but at what cost to his health


You’d want your head examined to try and win the Tour without doping.

You’d wouldn’t want your blood and piss examined if trying to win the tour

Wiggins is a cheat. That is all.

Every medal team GB won at that Olympics was tainted, even the golfer was juicing up. These cunts would put the East Germans to shame.

They sicken me and the BBC cheerleading for them sickens me as well. They’re worse than Pravda.


Lance should be reinstated as the champion and cyclists should be let take whatever drugs they want. I don’t care what anybody says that tour de france is for hardy bastards only. You’d want your head examined to be doing it clean.