Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

very touching, I broke down crying

For the greatest living Irishman. A memoriam. :grinning:

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the things he did for Limerick were unreal

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Amanda is some bird



Or just too much cheap Stella

As well , perhaps.

His life is in the balance according to latest reports.

Seems better now :

Apparently he was punched by this bloke, Mike Hookem :joy:

He’s their defence spokesman.


Mike Hookem is currently on the run from the French cops

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Absolutely mental


You couldn’t make it up

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Mike wants to bring back the Auxies & the black & Tans

Honouring the Military Covenant

– We will resource fully our military assets and personnel.

– UKIP will guarantee those who have served in the Armed Forces for a minimum of 12 years a job in the police force, prison service or border force

– UKIP will change the points system for social housing to give priority to ex-service men and women and those returning from active service.

– A Veterans Department will bring together all veterans services to ensure servicemen and women get the after-service care they deserve.

– Veterans are to receive a Veterans’ Service Card to ensure they are fast tracked for mental health care and services, if needed.

– All entitlements will be extended to servicemen recruited from overseas.

– UKIP supports a National Service Medal for all those who have served in the armed forces.

Dunkirk like retreat !!!