Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Some lads over in the US were dressing up as scary clowns having a great laugh scaring people. A load of people copied them and the phenomenon has spread to the UK now. Mostly it’s people making fake videos and click bait sites putting them up as real. Standard internet stuff really.

Another one for the Cork Sicko thread.

Nice little spat between Unilever and Tesco today

Brexit isn’t such a laugh now when the cunts have to pay an extra twenty pence for their PG Tips.


That’s just the start of it. They’ve started another spat with Musgraves over here. Only a matter of time before they start one with Maggie. Aldi and Lidl could clean up

Would the retailers not just tell them to fuck off and use it as an opportunity to push people onto own brand alternatives, which I assume are much higher margin?

Great move by tesco, forces competitors to tell Unilever to go fuck themselves or look like they’re choosing Unilever over consumer

As the forum’s supermarket authority I am waiting for @Fagan_ODowd and his considered response on what this means for Ireland and Irish supermarkets

Don’t get fucking smart here sonny.


if the Internet was around during the Weimar Republic they would have been rattled too

The problem is that each retailer negotiatesite individually with the supplier and depending on buying power can setc their own prices. Tesco are by far the biggest in the UK and can negotiate much better deals on then the likes of ASDA for example. They also have the added advantage of buying for Tescos here and in terms of the British Isles are probably Unilevershould biggest customer.
So starting the row with Tesco was probably a calculated move on Unilevers part. This means that what ever deall was struck, the other retailers would have to follow suit. Unilever own too many brands and even if retailers tried to promote the customer to own brand, the shelves would still be half empty
Dunnes and Musgrave so are fucked now as they are a minute fracation of Unilevers turnover

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This isn’t a trendy pair of yellow trousers you are talking about here you cunt. Nor the famous “michael noonan” method of adding sums. This is @Fagan_ODowd this is fucking Real shit


May well be a calculated move by Unilever but they are gambling heavily on brand loyalty which is nowhere near as strong as it used to be. They could lose badly here. The other factor is that a lot of the products are made in the UK so the currency fluctuations shouldn’t effect them that much do the consumers may view this as a greedy move.

You are being paid in an emerging market currency now. Your self image must be in the toilet. It’s embarrassing for a once great nation.

Pound sterling now seen as an emerging market currency by traders

Volatility of the currency now resembles that of the Mexican peso - though the peso has performed better.


A lot of their raw materials are imported though.
If sterling stays in decline, they will try and hedge with a lot of their suppliers outside the UK. Whire I take your point regarding consumer loyalty, you are entering to most important time of the year for retailers. Therefore mammy realises that giving little Johnny 3 bottles of cheap Deodorants from Aldi is not the same as a Lynx gift set

Tesco wins

You’d need to know what they paid I’d say to decide they have won!!

Tesco won the public opinion war. Even the daily heil and the grauniad agreed on that!

Doubt the shareholders be as concerned though Art!

They’ll be very concerned about the 3 bn wiped off the share price yesterday