Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Mike Hookem is a “common sense”, “tell ih like ih is” merchant.

Tell ih like ih is, Mike.

Actual picture of Woolfie here after being decked by Hookie. Seriously.


Still holding his briefcase.

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And the overcoat over the arm. I’d say he didn’t stand a chance the poor fucker. Effectively boxed the head off a a one armed man.

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It’s like a still from a video for a mid to late-1990s dance track.


Murder on the dance floor?


Woolfie seems an alright sort, he is wearing black shoes with his blue suit.

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Black and blue is a good look for him.


Jump they say

Wolfie is a catholic boy !!!

Not quite dance but the pic made me think of this

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Not 1990s.

A Higher State of Unconsciousness.

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Clubbed to death

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Right hookem sends U-kipping
Right winger hit with right zinger
Woolfe down
Couldn’t find the killer hookem

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Oh who’s that lying by the railing?
Who’s that lying on the floor?
It’s Steven Wolfie and his briefcase
And he’s pulling a stroke face
And he won’t getting wide with Hooky anymore


Incorrect. He collapsed a few hours after getting the slap.

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Can we charge them an arm and leg for this?

What’s the story with all these scary clowns running around England? Be careful when you get back @Tassotti mate.