Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

_At 87, Sir Roger Bannister has chalked up another significant achievement. The first man to run a mile in under four minutes, in 1954, he joins an elite group as a Companion of Honour - a special award for service of conspicuous national importance limited to 65 people at a time.

Recipients wear the initials CH after their name and members currently include Stephen Hawking and Desmond Tutu._

A Dame for a long time already

Sir Ken Dodd



Who are the bottom two?

I was going to ask the same question?

Stuart Hall is on the bottom left.

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Cyril Smith MP is the one on the bottom right.


A vile bastard.


Arise, Sir Andy Murray of Oxshott.

Sir Andrew in a statement this morning has said that he won’t be using his title on court. There is a protocol though for proper address at the Championship so I would imagine he’ll be given his full and formal title there.

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LIVE: U.K. Border police awaiting to pick up someone at baggage claim in Birmingham international. There’s 6 of them eyeing up someone. Heard them say "he’s over there. Wait until the bags are picked up"Uploading…

It’s that hurl sticking out of your bag.

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I wasn’t returning from Ireland so had no Hurley with me.

Looking forward to a full detailed report from Chile chief.

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A great country. Only saw bits of it obviously but I would of definitely recommend it. Ran into the South American version of a former team mate of yours at a house party the other night :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Surely the sledgehammer.

No his former partner in crime when it came to slagging from up near the sledge. We wrote a song about him after the county final in 06.There was even a variation of his shuffle on show.

What a man. Do you remember the time he told us the story about the only time he was pulled up for over carrying? His jump and hang time were so long that by the time be he returned to the ground with ball in hand the ref had given a free the other way.


The story he told about chipping the goalie in football was brilliant too. Compared himself to Bergkamp and Henry. The only man to speak about himself in the 3rd person and not sound like a cunt. What a hero.