Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

They already have the technology to outperform human drivers, they are just waiting for the laws to catch up to get them on the road, once they do it’ll happen very quickly. It’ll be fucking deadly so it will, buy rural pubs now while you can.


Could we tax these automated companies & robots to the hilt while the real people get a generous welfare payment for doing nothing? If a company employs a robot to do a job that replaces a human then while they don’t have to pay a wage to robot they do have to pay a tax along similar lines to what the human employee would have paid.

We could until the @glasagusbaners decide that Robots are people too and shouldn’t be exploited.

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that’s the idea behind the universal wage

The Matrix

Check out my recent post on the Skynet thread

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

In relation to a living wage Finland I believe have introduced it. I think it is a great idea if it replaces all other subventions and payments but I expect over time these get rolled back in

Will do mate

A society of @Bandage clones?



Are they the 2017 Lions shirts ???

That’s the front row.

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That should be an article on how FX companies are absolutely raping their customers.


This happened a few months back also.

Interestingly, hammond has hinted that he will make the UK a multinational tax haven if he feels it necessary following brexit negotiations.
The whole thing is a clusterfuck.

Only an absolute mug changes money in a bank etc. before travelling, and only a complete and utter simpleton does it in the airport.


I understand that, by and large, it’s cheaper to use your bank card in cash machines abroad, than it is to get currency from a standard fx outlet. Sterling is currently 114. I expect it will bottom out about 105.
It hit 109 a few months back, at which point the airport desks were trading at 99cents to the pound.
You’d be either rich, thick, desperate or a combination of the above to use them.

What about using an ATM at the arrival airport?

As long as you say no to them doing the fx for you your grand.
“Do you want to accept this guaranteed fx rate or whatever”. Always no. Same on the Ryanair site or any site for that matter, never accept the FX rate they offer you, let the bank do it automatically.
I saved €60 on €500 taking it out in Poland. €60 fucking quid!!! That’s 12% and you can be sure I didn’t get the fx for free through visa or whoever does it so the cunts are probably making 15% plus.


Where will the Brits go on holidays this Summer? Spain/France/Portugal will appear very expensive