Uk affairs, The Double Lizzie Crisis (Part 1)

Bootlickers who have consistently ridiculed the demonstrable truth of large scale Russian influence in the west as a ludicrous conspiracy theory now going all in on it when their heroes get exposed as the morons they are by a striking union looking for workers to be paid what they are worth.

You couldn’t make it up, as they say.

What are you raving about… I do not need Meccano phrases like ‘neo liberal masters’ to offer an opinion.

Anyone who thinks Ireland should leave the EU is a loon.

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We had a beaut of a poster on here recently enough slating the EU and calling for Ireland to be ruled by Bojo. He was serious too.

He does not think those things – or probably anything.

Just tying to give himself a personality, same as Stan Gebler Davies and Kevin Myers.

Who was that?

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What a load of utter drivel.

Millions of idiots just like him in the UK but at least they can argue they hadn’t the benefit of hindsight unlike this tulip.

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Everything is a right wing left wing culture war. The lads don’t like to acknowledge that their new hero was on same side as DUP and UKiP and Farage in the most important political debate in UK in last 50 years.

But sure he name checked Connolly. Next he’ll say he likes hurling.

He and the union are perfectly entitled to use their leverage to get a pay increase for their members.

Equally it’s also perfectly permissible to point out that they spouted lies and spread fear to back Brexit and it’s worth asking why.


It’s grimly hilarious that the people who by far most enthusiastically wage the US style right wing culture war - and it is overwhelmingly a one sided war being waged from the right - worldwide - deny they are engaged in doing so.

I reckon there are several posters here who would make this fella look like a genius by comparison.


Come on now , If he had a posher accent and sharper suit you’d be all over his debating skills …

He’s very good on TV. No doubt.
The contempt for the person interviewing him has resonated with the people he wants it to.

The hero worship is interesting is all.

Tune into Question time tonight to see Mick bitch slapping a few more Tories.

Question Time.

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It’s not though … the Kay burley interview was fascinating as she kept wanting him to mention the last bastion of a fool which is violence and he saw her coming a mile away … she persisted in trying to tee him up to say it and he wouldn’t walk into it … she was dying to dismiss him as a UKIP type thug …

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He’s very good on TV. Contempt maybe was over stating it. He has a message and won’t be distracted from it. The fact we’re discussing him shows how effective he is.

I can think that and at the same time think their position on Brexit is hard to defend or agree with.


Agreed he’s very effective but their Brexit message is blurring things in my eyes

Their reasoning around Brexit was Nigel Farage type stuff.

The EU has been the biggest driver of employment rights and laws and regulations in history.


Lynch’s style is not feigned in any way. It comes from his confidence in being completely on top of his brief. He knows what he’s talking about and is able to bat away any nonsense he is faced with by rebuttal with facts and context.

The vast majority of politicians and media who are not part of the Tory/Republican right wing culture war bubble cannot do this because they are generalists, and when you see a politician of any hue being interviewed, they are usually spouting a bunch of pre-rehearsed soundbytes.

Multiply that x 100 when it’s a Tory, because Tory government is inherently based in bullshit. They have no other strategy. Even at their shameless level they aren’t quite as shameless at it as the Republicans in the US, who have constructed an entire world of make believe where they just shout flat earth type theories.

Lynch has become a sensation is because for years everybody who wants to see some form of even mild social democratic progress has been ground down into despair because our representatives and the very idea of even mild social democratic progress in society are constantly on the back foot because of horrible bad faith attacks by horrible right-wing media and politicians waging a kulturkampf, who represent awful policy and awful values - greed, corruption, shamelessness, lies.

Lynch has gone on the attack against them. And he has done it unapologetically, with facts and knowledge, all while remaining polite. He has exposed how utterly ridiculous they are. Suddenly they are on the back foot, and Lynch’s media performances have served as a clarion call for a wider scale campaign of ridicule of the Tories and their media cheerleaders. This is what they fear the most, wide scale ridicule, because they themselves know they are ridiculous.

When these fuckers are on the back foot, they have nothing to fall back on. That’s why they have to manufacture a world of make believe. Lynch refuses to participate in it.

And it is exhilarating in a tribal sense to see this in action. You can’t help but want Lynch to nail these bastards, to humiliate them in public, to make them squirm like the rats they are.

Because few enough others have done it, and by christ it’s needed.


Agreed the EEC as it was back then transformed this country when we needed a leg up we’d have been facked if we were outside growing up in the 80s and into the 90s I can remember the signs on new roads funded by the European Community Development Fund or similar