UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Surprise surprise, as soon as Labour show an upturn in the polls, the anti-Semitism smears are wheeled out again

As predictable as Arsenal folding in a tricky away game

Stormzy saw this one coming and has it covered

At the end of the Stormzy is a golden sky
And the sweet silver song of Jim Larkin

I find Sky’s Lewis Goodall to be one of more insightful political journalists from the mainstream outlets, perhaps the most insightful

He’s been consistently saying that his feeling on the ground is that the polls are not picking up a lot of movement

His thread on Dominic Raab’s disastrous appearance at Esher hustings last night is well worth reading

The family of Harry Dunn, the young motorcyclist killed by the wife of a US diplomat who did a runner, confronted him

Raab tried to keep them in the dark over the whole issue

Raab was not best pleased when they showed up

His goons tried to keep the Dunn family out of the event

The crowd was vocal in its hostility towards him

Lib Dens are in meltdown so voters are probably moving to Labour.

I think there’s a tactical shift underway for sure

The thing is that the Lib Dem vote needs to be maximised in places where Labour have no chance - which means most of the non urban south

And obviously vice versa in places where Labour are stronger

There are a good few London constituencies where there’s a big risk of the Tories getting in on a split vote, something like 18k - 15k - 14k

Huge number of young voters registering which is a good sign - today is the last day for registering

The hype is gradually cranking up among younger voters

I think a lot of minds are going to be concentrated in the next two and bit weeks - and they need to be

The future of Britain is at stake now more than in any other election in living memory


When I saw this I honestly thought it had to be fake, it isn’t

They are being openly racist now

It’s in response to Stormzy enouraging young people to register

When the Daily Mail engaged in anti-Semitic vilification of Ralph Miliband and by extension his son Ed, it was Jeremy Corbyn who spoke out in their defence

Tuesday 26 November 2019 by Gary Stanton

Hopes rising that Jacob Rees-Mogg has returned to the late nineteenth century

Rees-Mogg has returned to the nineteenth century

Police investigating the whereabouts of Jacob Rees-Mogg believe he may have returned to the century from which he came, it has emerged.

The lanky Victorian gobshite mysteriously disappeared three weeks ago following ill-advised comments on the Grenfell tragedy, and police have since detected the MP’s fingerprints on a wormhole in the space-time continuum located just off the Old Kent Road.

Officers searching his grace-and-favour pad in Holland Park are examining a number of items, including a DVD of Goodnight Sweetheart, starring Nicholas Lyndhurst, whose character similarly navigates between eras in a bid to satisfy his ever-aching cock.

Evidence suggests Rees-Mogg may have arrived in August 1888, a time in which he has twelve children with a quantum version of Anne Widdecombe, the strict overseer of a workhouse, which conforms to upright Victorian fire safety standards.

The year 1888 represents an annus fantasticus for the Tory squire as there is no Labour Party, women have yet to receive the vote and the only immigrants he has to worry about are emaciated Irish peasants.

Police have also linked Rees-Mogg to a string of murders in Whitechapel. He is suspected of giving Boris Johnson a helping hand from history by eliminating Nigel Farage’s great grandmother – a chain-smoking working girl who’ll suck it for a farthing.

Met Police spokesman, Simon Williams, said:

“Indications are that Mr Rees-Mogg has taken advantage of the rather lax laws of General Relativity to travel back to an age in which slouching on the Commons’ benches doesn’t mark you out as a c*nt on Twitter.

“Our analysis suggests he makes a healthy living dispensing common-sense fire avoidance strategy to those in poor dwellings, which is practically the entire population.

“Yes, of course they’re all voting Tory.”

This from baroness warsi, fraudster, liar and cheat

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Again, a very, very strange response

Are you saying her claims of widespread Islamophobia in the Tory party are “fraud, lies and cheating”?

Polls of the Tory membership thoroughly back her up

They show widespread racism

The same lads on here calling Jezza an anti semite be wetting themselves to vote for the likes of Noel Grealish in the next election

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They’re also the same lads who deny racism and anti-Semitism by Trump and his death cult

I don’t take anything that a proven fraudster, liar and cheat who should have been thrown out of politics and jailed says at face value, no sid.


Looks like we have ourselves a denier

He has bigger tits as well, his whole body is one

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