UK general election 2019 - corbinned

Boris is a shit campaigner you know.

The exit polls have sobered everybody up

No more heroes .

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A great result.

Rock, paper, scissors with Miliband.

Nicola Sturgeon is a top, top politician

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A dog with a mallet up his hole could see this coming.

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Imagine if the Tories weren’t in fuck-up mode

Well at least that cunt Foster will have to suck it up now.

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He is . His campaign was worse than May!s in many ways .

Sure its not even just that, they were in such a thrall to this image of Magic Grandpa that they didn’t even consider changing him for someone on the left who wasn’t actively disliked by the majority of the country. Idiots.


There will be an Irish election very shortly now. Brexit deal goes through so border in the Irish Sea. Scots in revolt. Game changer.

It’s called democracy.


The Marxists have been sent packing.

Time for a purge.

Jezza’s lifelong dream of a United Ireland almost a shoo in now, well played Jezza

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Sid has disappeared like the Labour vote under corbyn

Have you enough guitars for the night?


The left who have taken over the party now think it has to be a woman as next leader…just because that what the culture warriors on their side think.

Pritti Patel on the beeb

Transgender wan on Sky calls Corbyn a busted flush