Unpopular opinions or views you hold

Just back from maddison Square garden and I have to read this shite


There’s a good example of what I was speaking about on the other thread. Whatever about any of her pro fights that were close, this is a plain stupid opinion.

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This response makes me think she must have lost last night too.

That makes sense. It shows your opinions aren’t based on anything other than your contrarianism.

The coverage Irish women’s rugby team gets is laughable. Tv, radio and print full of it and they absolutely useless.


Katie was extremely fortunate to get the Olympic decision in 2012 mate. Absolutely nothing against the girl, but that is fact.


Ah there’s surely a valid argument she lost the gold medal fight? Boxing is very subjective and it was certainly a close fight.

There is if the person making the argument goes back over the fight with a fine tooth comb and makes a list of every punch and non-punch thrown in the fight and tots up the points tally and finds Ochigava ahead at the end.

I actually did that after the final Egan was involved in in Beijing and found Egan ahead. Strangely that narrative is not beloved of contrarians like the “Taylor actually lost” narrative.

I watched Taylor’s final back at least twice and never saw anything to make me doubt it was the correct decision.

There is no doubt that she shouldn’t have won that,

And I think Katie is fantastic.

Careful mate, glas will cancel you for being sexist or something.

Ah but sure in fairness you wouldn’t have a clue how to judge a boxing fight. Did anyone who knows how to judge a fight think she’d lost it? Usually with tight fights you find people who know what they’re talking about giving it both ways.

It’s not rocket science.

You’re asking me questions you should be asking of those who maintain Taylor lost.

The onus is on them to come up with the argument, given they are the ones who dispute the decision, not me.

When Taylor lost in 2016 there were people who said she won. I thought she lost legitimately.

Surely this is my point :smiley:. In tight fights it comes down to opinion who won or lost. Absolute experts will differ. Obviously if you have a history of always saying taylor loses the tight fights you can be accused of being a bit of a begrudging contrarian.

Not when points are awarded for punches it doesn’t. That was the system in 2012. By 2016 the system had changed to round scoring.

Under the old points for punches system you can make a case for a wrong result by forensically examining a fight scored under that system and totting up what the points should have been.

I’ve yet to see anybody do that as regards the Taylor final. All notions and myths. Until somebody does, it’s all bullshit.

Ochigava scored nothing. Frustrated Taylor a bit but to suggest she lost seems quite ridiculous to me.

I didn’t suggest she lost. Have another go at reading what I wrote.

Why was she “fortunate to get that decision” in that case? She clearly won. Because of the Russians and their buyong boxing results you mean?

Ah, fuck off mate. There’s no reasoning with you.

What are you actually trying to say because you’ve lost me altogether.

Is it Ryle Nugent who is responsible for all the rugby on RTE? As if anyone gives a fuck like.