Unpopular opinions or views you hold


Whatever does it for you.

very fashionable or up to date.

Hmmmm, this could mean a variety of things.

Or the RCC.

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I think we’re seeing some real true colours today. Perhaps a consequence of the Rangers defeat at the weekend.

In France they have shite medical care but they call it ‘le shite medical care’

If lads think Dublin is dangerous I hope they never go near Paris. The north inner city of Dublin is Mary Poppins stuff compared to some places there.

I was in Lille for the Euros and thought the organisation on the part of the whole city was pretty shambolic. Stadium way out of town, nothing at all open when we got back into the centre around midnight bar about two bars, no taxis at all.

I love a lot of things about France and the French but but very often they can’t organise a piss up in a wine cellar.

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If not having far right thugs in yellow vests out rampaging on the streets like the French do constitutes “being good little Paddies who do what they’re told”, I’ll take us being “good little Paddies who do what we’re told”, thanks.

It sure makes you wonder the things that some people will say, they can see black and white but they don’t seem to notice the grey

Some of the suburbs in Paris have to be seen to be believed. People living in tent villages under motorway exits standing around a brazier for warmth.

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I think maybe you need to start seeing things a bit less in black and white and a bit more in grey yourself.

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I see all colour, the world is technicolour, maybe you’d do well do meditate on that.

We barely know what poverty is in this country. Or we’ve forgotten it anyway.

If you wouldn’t class Capel St as city centre then you don’t know the layout of Dublin or else you are just picking and choosing to suit your agenda.
Stoneybatter is North Inner City by any known definition It’s as close to O’Connell Street as Upper Sheriff Street.


But but but it said something different on Reddit!!!

Fucking state of the Irish doing what they were told by the brits for 500 years. I think we should be ruled by the brits again.

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Stoneybatter is certainly north inner city.

But the term “north inner city” has come to be applied by a lot of people only to the north east inner city, centred around Sean McDermott Street/Sheriff Street/Summerhill/Ballybough.

It’s like when people talk about the southside. They’re talking about Killiney and Blackrock and Stillorgan and Sandymount. They aren’t talking about Tallaght or Neilstown. Or even Monkstown Farm or Ballybrack or Ringsend, even though all those places are on the southside.

The Dubs making another thread all about them… jackeens cunts


Stoneybatter and Smithfield ceased to be considered north inner city for some when they came up a bit in the world. As you say the term is now appropriated by some as meaning North East Inner City. And excluding parts of it at that, like North Great George’s St and Spencer Dock.