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Probably the wrong thread but…Joker…my god. Superb. Phoenix is incredible. 5 thumbs up.


Sounds lovely mate, you deserve it

It was pretty mediocre I thought.

Not enough tits and explosions?


Did it move you? :smile:

Phoenix is indeed very good, but the story is thin enough. It doesn’t really go anywhere.

Superb acting - vv dark , TBH I didn’t know what to think after seeing it- upsetting ,but my God what a powerful movie

Follow up is where it’ll get going nevertheless it’s good

It’s a 2 hour journey of his descent into madness. It’s incredibly dark but I was enthralled for the 2 hours anyway.

How’s the American football going for you, kid? Your beloved Pats is it?


I didn’t know what to think after watching it, but it some acting performance, I can’t separate him and Di Capro for the Oscar at the moment

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Definintely in

Looks awful.

I know right, thats the beauty of it :heart_eyes:

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Jesus, way to put it all in the trailer lads

that’s been done.

I don’t get your point. There’s very little in film that hasn’t. Just ask Martin Scorsese.

Farrell :clap:

This looks fucking outstanding :smile: