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I’m out dude.

Any of you lads see the new Capone film.

Have heard mixed reviews.

Is it worth the watch

Tom Hardy? Didn’t know it was even released yet

@Thomas_Brady gave it a meh recently

One of the lads said it wasnt the best another couple said it was good.

It’s on my vod with the IPTV

Shite reviews alright

Will dungeon it so

Not great. Focuses on his post prison syphillis madness last few months.

It’s alright
 Gets s bit too weird depicting his mad state

My fucking jaysus lads.
I just watched the Harley Quinn movie.

An abomination

Stayed away, got shocking reviews.

Yeah it’s bad alright. Robbie gives it socks and tries her best but the material is terrible.
When Ewan McGregor as an over the top campy villain is the most memorable thing about a movie you’re in trouble.

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Nolan knew

Saw Pinoccio today in the cinema.

It’s one of the weirdest fucked up movies I have seen. Strangely compelling.

Sam’s a great actor- Reilly ace of spies

Very dark in Gotham City.

Gleeson looks great