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I saw that earlier and thought it was a pisstake.

Holy fuck.

I don’t think there’s been a greater waste of talent since Limerick pissed away 3 All Ireland U21 Hurling winning teams.

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Emily Blunt is gorgeous.


They were filming that around Crossmolina when I was up there for a few days last year. It looks like a harmless bit of fun, stage Oirishness aside

There’s too much talent there for it to be a complete fuck up you’d have to think. It’ll kill in Murica

Mayo’s Joe Biden will surely endorse this film

Based on a play that got nominated for a Tony award. The writer/director has also won an Oscar, a Tony award and a pullitzer for previous work. Fintan Ăł toole went to see the play and was seething. Great to see Christopher Walken play an Irish farmer all the same. A role he was born for!

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The seethe on social media was delightful last night



Is HBO max available here

Or on iptv

Most stuff on HBO turns up on SKY

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IPTV has it anyway

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HBO Max is good but was a bit of a waste by Warner Brother imo. They could have held onto a WB streaming platform and HBO. At the very least they shouldn’t have called into HBO Max, a very tacky name for a premium brand.

Grown adults still watching modern movies.

How cute.

We watch TV series too.

Are you okay? You’re very angst ridden this week? I’m concerned for you.


What year is your cut-off?

I’d say going back to the mid 00s where the arse fell out of films.

The only film I would have wanted to have seen in the cinema in the past 5/6 years is Dunkirk.