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sparks :heart_eyes:

Happy Feeling Good GIF by Sparks


Brendan Fraser one for the people who’ve put on weight thread there

Battling depression for the bones of a decade, great to see him back.

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he seriously went through the wringer between divorce, alimony, being sexually assaulted and the sting, which i know far too well, of male pattern baldness


Yikes. I’m just after remembering the sexual assault stuff actually. Poor guy had a rough few years alright.

After the The first Mummy movie came out he was on the verge of a huge rise but nothing came but the Hollywood fall, he was brilliant in it first class comedic timing and Arnold Vosloo equally as good as the main antagonist.

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and im sure the auld ones thread followers will be well acquainted with his turn in bedazzled

bedazzled the devil GIF


Watched it last night, it’s no 1995 but I expect the next one to be better with Johnny Cage.

Hearing Scorpion saying ‘Get over here’ will never get old. Childhood stuff.


finish him video games GIF


My former boxing trainer is in it, which is cool.

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Sadly not. I think it’s Ramirez or some henchman type name that gets beaten up early on.

Army of the dead very disappointing, 2hrs 30 mins was way too long for what it is.


Was looking forward to it immensely. Sigh.


Extremely disappointing.

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Typical Zack Snyder shite. The first half of it was not bad, but the last quarter was pure shite. It set up loads of possibilities and didn’t resolve any satisfactorily.

The daughter character was the worst ive seen in years, they killed off the only decent character in the group first a disaster.

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