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Opinions mate

The Guardian review seems unusually snarky tbh. Other reviews for it have been positive. I’ll be going to see it hopefully anyway

Never leave a reviewer sway you until you judge it for yourself lads.

I trust Olly with my life

The reviews are good for this.

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It appears that he hated the original film. The reviewer is no siskel or ebert

He gave the 2016 all female shit show a 4/5, enough said.


I actually didn’t mind the all-female one, a 3/5 on the cauliometer

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dead to me GIF


That was absolutely dreadful

The game from a decade ago was the true third sequel with all the original cast returning to voice their parts and lend their likeness.

All time bad film and a clear case of Hollywood laundering

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2/5 solely for Hemsworth

Agreed, not that bad a movie.

I watched it in Armagh Cinema. There’s a joke at the start where they say that the old house had a special anti-Catholic fence. I burst out laughing, the rest of the cinema sits in stony silence. Dry cunts.


Went up to watch my brother play against City of Armagh rugby team once. Pissing rain so went into clubhouse to for a drier vantage point.

Almost immediately after entering the 2nd level bar, the hate was palpable. Grown men wouldn’t so much as move to let my Ma pass and bumped off us trying to get somewhere to stand. All bar one fella who made a real effort to engage, the seethe hung heavy in the air.

Dry cunts indeed as you say.

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I gave it 2 purely for the Andy Garcia ‘mayor from Jaws’ bit

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