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It’s not great I watched it on a stream. Very slow paced.

The French Dispatch.

Quirky, good storylines.

Unbelievable cast.

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Exactly. Paul Atreides looks like a stroppy American shite, and his mother is annoying.
Excellent otherwise.
The cinematography is outstanding.

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The fall of house Atreides was really good(not Patrick Stewart charging with a pug good) but could have been better, that was the big set piece scene of this instalment.

Bizarrely, it just wasn’t long enough imho.

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Went to see this with madame this afternoon. An enjoyable ole yarn with a couple of twists and a lot of fan service.

Reitman made the last 5 mins a deserved tribute to his dad


Lovely stuff. Age wise what do you reckon?

There was a couple of jumpy scenes but nothing a 9 year old and above couldn’t handle


You should be able to follow the plot I’d say.

I wasn’t talking about myself, I was referring to my imaginary kids.


Just imagine they’ll be fine.
Any idea when the rest of Dune is out???

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2023 at the earliest.

For ffffs sake.
What is the fcuking point of stopping a fillum in the middle and resuming two years later :rage:

He wasn’t sure he had the money to make it all. He nearly didnt too.

just rewatch the david lynch version to tide you over

Do not do this.

Martial Arts Come At Me Bro GIF

By God