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competition for die hard as best christmas movie?

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Gotten very bad reviews which is surprising as rarly see Christian Bale in a bad movie.

Oh heā€™s been a fair few duds, Captain Correllis Mandolin, Reign of Fire, Terminator Salvationā€¦

i like it

its got warthogs FFS

Ah here

post today GIF

Brought my kid to the 1st one in the cinema a few weeks ago and she absolutely loved it. Canā€™t wait for the second one mow

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James Cameron is back to rule the world once again.

One of the greats.

The Abyss is one of the greatest movies of all time.

And it barely makes his top 5

If the first one was Dances with Wolves in space,whatā€™s the second one ripping off?

The Abyss in space.

itll be abyssmal

They meet a human being in the depths of Pandora.




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