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Looks amazing - main actor on with graham Norton last week
She practiced until she could hold her breath underwater for something like 7 minutes
Kate Winslet?

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Yeah. Kate should win an oscar for it. She was phenomenalā€¦ Worth going to see her alone.

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Ah thatā€™s not good. I go to the cinema to get an hours kip in, canā€™t be doing with 3 hours of gripping drama. I nearly nodded off at the Panto last Saturday.


did you go to the everyman or the opera house?

Hoping to get to it soonest
If I can get my son to leave his ol doll foe a few hours

You can pay for his girlfriend too surely? Youve plenty of cash you bollix.


Opera House. It was class, the kids loved it.

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Doing cash jobs from 4 in the morning every day. He must be loaded.

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Feck off Iā€™m a lowly painting chappie

He barely lets me say hello not a mind bring us 3 to the flicks
V shy boy
Brought her to a City match last year and I was warned to behave
I did
Until a cunt of a dub referee made a wrong decision
Air was blue


Did you offer to give them a lift into Town? Did she see your parking?? :see_no_evil:

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Were they taking acid? All the teenagers are taking acid and going to Avatar.

cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy The Vet was at this 30 years ago

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No mate, my sons are not on acid.

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:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:hi Locke hard to believe
Went out for a bazzar off him an hour ago,
Mentioned Avatar," yeah weā€™re going at 3 today"
Me blown out
On the plus side his Dungarvan girl produced a box of Lindt chocs for me,
Thought twas a lovely gesture.


@artfoley, not to be outdone, will be along to remind us he used to do yokes as soon as he sees this.

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I enjoyed it anyway. The 3d effects added to it big time. Wouldnā€™t mind a lot of them reviews.


My mate whis a dour bollox atbthe best of timeā€™s said similar

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I got into the omniplex in Wexford for ā‚¬9, itā€™s usually about ā‚¬14. I was off yesterday so went at 3pm. Maybe thatā€™s why it was so cheap. I hate going to see movies when they first come out cause they do be packed and you get awful arseholes making noise or playing with their phones, but this was nicely enough about 15 people attending. All round a good days viewing.


My guy had to book his in advance for today at 3
Nothing as bad as some loon nearby on the phone constantly or worse pricks yapping throughout

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