US Election result hub 2016

Looking very good in the granite state too. I just wish they’d add the California 50+ to crooked Hilary’s numbers as her trailing has me giddy currently

It’s genuinely frightening. The world seems to be infested with imbeciles. The hysteria in Britain over immigration, Brexit, poppies etc just shows you how swathes of the population are so easily manipulated into “revolting” quietly.


It should be a slightly safer place if as looks increasingly likely the Americans have rejected that warmonger Rodham Clinton.

This is by far the most divided election ever racially speaking.

There would appear to be a possibly permanent redrawing of the map going on.

The rust belt is turning Republican while some southern and south-western states are on the verge of turning blue and will likely be that way within a decade. But this latter category hasn’t delivered enough for Clinton here.

Elizabeth Warren’s odds must already be shortening dramatically for 2020.

She’s a tertible candidate, but she’s not a full blown idiot.

Sadly for her she is up against an amazingly talented opponent


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We have entered the post-fact era.


The GOP is America


Financial markets now giving the great Donald Trump an 89% chance of being the next president


Nothing amazing about it pal, we were always going to do it.

I thought trump would do very well, but not win, purely due to the angry anti establishment vote and the awfulness of minimum wage life on America. id say he got people out voting who would have given up on politics years ago out of frustration. And i thought the rural vote would be underestimated, but theres definitely a tribal element here where white America is rebelling against the loss of supposed control, fueled by the perception that elections might be decided by minorities. But the Hispanic community are an almost majority in southern border states, last year for the first time ever over 50% of kids starting kindergarten werent white. Hard to see how such a divided country can survive.

This isnt over though, that stupid ny times speedometer has been moving all night, virginia was massive.

Trump carries NC


Lovely, just switched to the Clinton News Network to see those folks with their tails between their legs


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Clinton has to do the following to win:

  • Hold Pennsylvania
  • Win Michigan
  • Win either Iowa or Arizona

If she does the first two and also wins New Hampshire and all of Maine’s electors, we’re looking at 269-269.

She can lose Michigan and Wisconsin, but would then have to win Iowa, Arizona and New Hampshire.

Good fucking jeebus

If Clinton loses Michigan and Wisconsin, winning Arizona, Iowa and New Hampshire could give her a 270-268 victory and even then she’d be relying on sweeping Maine.

That’s a real long shot however.

Trump has the advantage in New Hampshire and I can’t see him lose Arizona.

Michigan and Iowa is really the only possible path and I don’t see it.

Whether Trump wins or not the hysteria from liberals is just hilarious.


@anon7035031 , congratulations. A great day for America and the world.


Michigan tightening significantly. Down to 15k votes.

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I always just wanted him to win the popular vote at least to wind them up, this is glorious