US Election result hub 2016

81% for Trump on NYT

Just joining this now. Young fellow picked a grand night to refuse to sleep.


Can’t really see a path for Clinton at this stage.

Michigan and Wisconsin are going to go red.

PA may well do too as much of the Philadelphia vote is already in.

And refresh twitter… And refresh

BBC coverage is infinitely better than CNN.

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Down 750 points now

Dax down to 10,000

This is shaping up like Brexit 2.

Yes I switched over myself a while back. Agree

Peso down 11% . Win win. Let’s hope the price of cement doesn’t rise!

Buy CRH shares!!


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Amazingly guys, we look like we are going to do this



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What a kick in the balls for the feminist movement :ronnyroar:


BBC projecting Colorado for Clinton but it looks too little too late.

Fox News predicts Trump wins NC :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:


She’ll take Iowa too?!

93% on the NYT

Des Moines and Sioux City reporting early there so I don’t think so.

Iowa-s only joking! Honnn Trump :ronnyroar:

I think so. Still needs more to flip but wonder if small ones like that will make the difference for her. Iowa didn’t like him in the caucus.

Not to mention black lives matter and the Hispanic community. America is now totally divided racially, the percentage of trump support amongst white males must be off the chain.