US Open 2020

Wolff is done

It’s a bit of a damp squib

He’s no putting enough pressure on the weight lifter

I’m going back to the nfl. Pop me a notification if Bryson looks like making a cunt of it, if it’s not too much trouble pal

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How’s Rors doin lads

His usual Sunday choke

Here we go,into the bushes

I asked that question without a clue of the answer but.

I believed

Ah Christ Wollf followed him in

He’s as regular as clockwork

He’s as reliable as a tinker selling tarmac

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4 up now.

A very boring major Sunday.

McIlpube shit it again?

That’s 22 majors without a win.

You literally couldn’t make it up.

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Mcginley is seething.

Duly bogeys the last against Oosthuizen’s birdie to fall out of the places :persevere:

He’s nearly as bad as them two tennis lads Hewitt and Roddick. You mightn’t have heard of them here before but they flamed briefly before sparking out.

I was sure I saw their names somewhere, they won things against poor opposition.


My man :clap::clap::clap:

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Is Rory still in the running?