US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Because all Arabs are iinterchangeable :joy:

You are a dyed in the wool racist piece of shit. You can’t even see it anymore.


Sure why not lob the Palestinians in anywhere? Why should they have any special attachment to the place their families have lived for hundreds of years? Let’s bulldoze their houses and give the land to some wannabe settlers who just landed in Tel Aviv instead. Definitely a normal way to look at the world.

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Here’s yer one who wrote that article being featured on Comedy Central’s Daily Show. She’s almost as nuts as @anon7035031.

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As you have been told multiple times, but it cannot seem to sink into your dense head, Muslims are followers of a religion, not a race. There are literally dozens of races among the roughly 1.6 billion Muslims worldwide, including whites. Opposing an ideology that is the most misogynistic, homophobic, sexist, violent and intolerant on the earth is not racism. Resisting those that want to import said ideology into the West is not racism. Unfairly discriminating against “moderate” Muslims who have no wish to wage jihad against the West or see Sharia law the law of the land is certainly “cultural racism”. It’s simply an appalling lack of intellect on your behalf to not be able to distinguish these categories


these rent a cause types are as thick as bottled pigshite

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Because the Palestinians deserve a homeland, just like the Jews did after their almost total extermination by Europeans during WWII. It is an appalling indictment of some of the richest countries in the world could not provide a homeland for their fellow Muslims.

Humans have been migrating since we left Africa over 100,000 years ago, which has led to the evolution of the current diversity of human beings on the planet today. Migration is good, it leads to mind broadening. Maybe you should try it.

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Is that fucking ape still trying to argue that it’s not racist to be racist against a religion?

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You are as thick as shit mate. Religion is an ideology. Is it racist to oppose Scientology as a load of dangerous bollox. How about opposing slicing off female genitals because of religion, is that racist?
Fuck off and play with your dolls.

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@anon7035031 appears to be on the verge of going out and shooting a load of people, judging by the tone of his posts.

Has he run out of morphine?

Yes they do. How about, say, Palestine?

This gets better. Ethnic cleansing and genocide are apparently the same thing as migration now.

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That’s exactly what you’ve been doing for over two years here. Constant vile, bilious, naked hatred.

That’s exactly what Mr. Trump is doing, and you wholeheartedly support that.

You crossed the line a long, long time ago here.

You’re just lucky the admin of this forum is left-leaning and allows free speech.

Any forum with any sort of moderation at all would have had you booted out and your IP address banned long ago.

The person who most deserves to be banned from this forum is your good self for your disgusting attacks on public figures and other forum members.


Take your morphine, you nutter.

Hyperbole. Since the start of the Arab Israeli conflict in 1950, 35,000 Arabs have been killed (all Arabs, not just Palestinians) and 16,000 Jewish Israelis. If the Israelis were interested in ethnic cleansing and genocide they are doing a very bad job of it, even though they have ample means to carry it out.

Israelis may be belligerent but they have shown remarkable restraint given they have been attacked by multiple countries on multiple occasions.

the Israelis were there long before the muslims made up their religion in the 7th century

You really are a thick.

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Once again, reduced to your usual infantile level to debate.
Do you approved of the right to genital mutilation of female children because of religion?
Do you approve of the right to execute homosexuals because of religion?
Do you approve of the right to chopping off limbs for stealing because of religion?
Answer the questions or kindly fuck off you man child.

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some of these snowflakes are actually mentally retarded, starved of oxygen at birth more than likely

I really don’t think you’re getting the point.

In the below quoted post, you equate ethnic cleansing and genocide with “migration”. Christ, you even reference the Holocaust in that comparison.

Now, I’ve read some really crazy stuff from you over the years, but equating the Holocaust with “migration”, and then saying “migration is good”, is a new and surprising level of craziness.

If you reached those gibberish conclusions from my posts then I can only suggest you check yourself in for psychiatric evaluation, as clearly you have lost all touch with reality.