US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I thought the narrative you Trumpbots are peddling is that Russia isn’t a danger?

Now you seem to be saying it is.

Way to shit all over your own guy. :grin:

History will judge the Bush II and Obama administrations very poorly, especially on foreign policy. The country would be a much better place if Romney had been elected in 2012. Obama deserved his first term, mainly as McCain is a complete idiot.

This is amazing stuff from the Trumpbots.

It seems to be a complete 180 degree turn.

Now apparently Russia is a danger?

This is after the last two years of them telling us it’s not.

What are the Trumpbots reactions to the news that Trump was actually discussing handing over 11 US citizens, including Michael McFaul, the former US ambassador to Russia, to Putin?

Plus Bill Browder, who is no longer even a US citizen.

And all because Vlad is still mightily pissed off by the Magnitsky Act, which Obama signed, and which Trump has been doing everything in his power to undermine since taking office.

The Magnitsky Act being so named after Sergey Magnitsky, Browder’s lawyer, who was left to rot in a Russian prison cell before being beaten to death.

Putin wouldn’t want any of these 12 people dead, of course. No, he’s a nice man who wouldn’t have any truck with that sort of thing.

Why would Trump discuss all this, I wonder? :laughing:

Any US President worth a fuck would have immediately told Putin to get lost in no uncertain terms.

But not President Cuck, the Russian poodle.

I don’t deal in narratives.

Em, you were just trying to spin your own bullshit narrative, mate.

Why go all quiet now?

A quick search shows your towing the Democratic line in abusing Romney during the 2012 campaign.

Dear oh dear


He’s a clown, just ignore him.

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Who signed the Magnitsky Act, mate?

Do you agree with the Magnitsky Act?

If so, why do you continue to support somebody who wants to undo it?

Do you consider Russia a danger to US national security or do you not?

Can you tell your arse from your elbow at this stage?

Keep deflecting there.

“Gov. Romney, I’m glad that you recognize that al-Qaida is a threat, because a few months ago when you were asked what’s the biggest geopolitical threat facing America, you said Russia, not al-Qaida. You said Russia … the 1980s, they’re now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War’s been over for 20 years," Obama said.

Howls of laughter from Democrats and eager beavers like yourself staying up to all hours.

It’s very very funny to see.

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Here’s what you said in 2012, mate.

I thought I’d I’d bring it up as you and @Tim_Riggins seem to be very interested in posts from 2012.

You are wrong on every single issue you raised, but hardly a surprise given the whole Republican platform is based on distortions and lies.

The Republican theme seems to be lets to go back to the glorious 1950s and the cold war when minorities and women were kept in their place. Good luck with that strategy in 2012. It is truly sad what this once great political party has become, looking at the audience last night it has clearly become the party of old angry white people who want “their” country back.

Republican attack dogs like Sean Hannity launched a dispicable campaign against Obama because of the Church he attended. This time they cannot use religion as it will backfire, most Americans have no clue what Mormonism is and who can blame them. Republicans are doing everything they can to suppress the black vote, changing the voting laws and requiring forms of identification that exclude poor minorities. Republicans and the Tea Party that now control them want a white America run by white men. To succeed they will do everything necessary, as they did in Florida in 2000, to suppress the minority vote.

Funny how you are now the classic caricature of everything you wrote against in 2012!

Funny how you’re now agreeing with @Tim_Riggins about Romney in 2012 when you said the whole Republican campaign was based on distortions and lies!

And you wonder why you’re a laughing stock.

Poor Tim will be scandalised when he reads the above. I think he thought he could rely on you for moral support.

Why do you think Obama signed the Magnitsky Act, pal?

I know it doesn’t suit you to talk about it, because it completely destroys your narrative.

It’s comical that you now admit Russia is a threat, yet you’ve been shilling for years for Trump.

And there is no other logical explanation for Trump’s behaviour other than that he is controlled by Russia.

You are very, very confused.

That was a different labane1917…

I’m not Labane.

Embarrassed one line responses. :grin:

The TrumpBots are reeling. :grin:

@Sidney now staying up all night to trawl through AFR posts, you simply couldn’t make it up.

I am my own man.

FYI I think Trump behaved like a clown at the summit. It has nothing to do with me thinking it’s funny how you just twist yourself to whatever like the Democratic Twitterati are going on.

You’ve already agreed that bringing up posts from 2012 is fair game, pal. Bit late now to be wimping out of confronting your own words.

You don’t like seeing your own words of course, as they prove you to be a complete hypocrite.

Here’s another beauty you wote in 2012 about the Republicans. Poor Tim, his little heart will break in two when he reads it.

As I said God help the world if this lot get elected, time to head for the hills.

You’ve been well and truly hoisted by your own petard, my friend.

It’s 6:47pm, by the way.

All that alcohol must be playing havoc with your understanding of time zones.

I’m sure intelligent posters at the time and now can read the entire post for themselves and see what an excellent commentator the 2012 version of labane1917 was, as indeed the 2018 version is.

I am not a Republican, nor a Democrat, I am an Independent, a word you clearly have no understanding of. I voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012, but now realize 2012 was a mistake.

Intelligent people modify their opinions as facts change. My interest then and now is in the truth, another word you have no understanding of.


You’re a fucking clownshoe of a man, mate.

You can’t work out whether you think Russia is a danger to the US and Europe or whether the US and Europe should submit to every single thing Russia wants.

Romney was indeed correct about the threat of Russia. Obama actually realised the Russian threat and acted.

Trump is the exact opposite. He wants to ally with Russia on its own terms. He is doing Russia’s bidding for it, because he is clearly controlled by them.

And here you are trying to say that both Romney and Trump were/are correct, because they both have an ® after their name, even though they saying/doing the exact opposite things, all while shouting “but Obama”.

You have no idea how much of a clownshoe that makes you look like.

Where did I comment if Russia is a danger or not?

A whole wall of text deflecting away there.