US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Wasn’t Abe Lincoln a Republican? He issued a little something called the Emancipation Proclamation, ever hear of it?

Nazi scumbag accuses normal person of being mad.

There’d be a punchline there if you weren’t a Nazi.

What college is it you’re a “professor” in?

Can we assume you’re an alumnus of Trump University? :laughing:

You are the living embodiment of godwins law

The current Republican party is pro-confederacy mate, that’s why Charlottesville happened - this is really basic stuff

Godwin’s Law only applies to inappropriate Nazi comparisons - it doesn’t apply when it’s targeted at an actual Nazi like racist white supremacist “professor” @anon7035031 who has a proven track record of defending Nazis and uttering Nazi talking points

What is needed in US politics right now is more Nazi comparisons as they are the only ones that are appropriate right now

Slavery aside the Confederacy and secession was the way to go, the US is too big and too diverse.

Except you are the only fascist on here mate… but carry on.

It’s the pro-slavery nature of the confederacy that appeals to modern day Republicans who rue the day it was ever abolished

No godwins law states that as an internet discussion goes on the probability of someone mentioning Nazis or hitler approaches 1.

You passed 1 about 4 exits back. Now it’s every post.

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To fascists like you the non-fascists are always the fascists.

Your “reasoning” is literally that of a four year old.

Heaven help your pupils from the vile racist rot you no doubt inflict on them, you utter disgrace of a man

Quick question: If somebody is a Nazi is it appropriate to label them as such?

Goebbels or some fella., fill your boots.

A nice chap in America that you don’t like, a bit too far.

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Let’s move on from slavery then.

Civil Rights Acts 1964:
Vote in the House of Representatives
Republicans 76%
Democrats 60%
Vote in the Senate
Republicans 82%
Democrats 69%

Well someone’s a bit cross.

I agree 100% for Trump to call immigrants “animals” is beyond idiotic, the cunt has no idea of history in his own country.

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What is a Nazi?

Hey @anon7035031, whatever happened to your racist son?

The poor fucker never stood a chance with the Goebbels-esque indoctrination he suffered from early age.

You should be done up for child abuse with that sort of shit.

Someone who disagrees with Sid.

Have a look in the mirror and you’ll find your answer

Come on now @anon7035031, tell us what college you teach in, I’m sure you’ll have no problems defending your words in person…