US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Let’s move on from slavery then.

Civil Rights Acts 1964:
Vote in the House of Representatives
Republicans 76%
Democrats 60%
Vote in the Senate
Republicans 82%
Democrats 69%

Well someone’s a bit cross.

I agree 100% for Trump to call immigrants “animals” is beyond idiotic, the cunt has no idea of history in his own country.

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What is a Nazi?

Hey @anon7035031, whatever happened to your racist son?

The poor fucker never stood a chance with the Goebbels-esque indoctrination he suffered from early age.

You should be done up for child abuse with that sort of shit.

Someone who disagrees with Sid.

Have a look in the mirror and you’ll find your answer

Come on now @anon7035031, tell us what college you teach in, I’m sure you’ll have no problems defending your words in person…

He started on the Tubourg early I see.


So this is the latest Twitter hysteria involving Trump. He was referring in 2018 to MS13 gang members who are undoubtedly animals, as are Mexican cartel members.

Here, that’s beyond the pale.

You are a fucking scum bag after that

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Nothing is beyond the pale with him mate. He needs serious help before he commits some outrage.

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Again, the response of a moron - the Dixiecrats left en masse for the Republicans and the south is Republican now because the Republican party decided to specifically target the racist vote in the US and has done ever since the Civil Rights Act - which you as a self-professsed “libertarian” would have been against due to your crazy ideology - libertarianism abhorred the Civil Rights Act

That is as low as I’ve seen on here.

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No, the “satire” about Tony Keady’s wife a few days after his death was the lowest.


This is what happens when you don’t back tiger roll

That’s factually incorrect. Read a book on the topic.

Be fair. He took a few hours off from fighting facism to indulge in some hilarious Grand National #bantz.

I’m not the one with the gun pal - I’m not the one with crazy ideology - you have the exact same ideology as the Christchurch terrorist - also, like your hero Trump you consistently downplay white terrorism because you don’t believe it’s terrorism and you don’t believe it’s a threat.

Essentially you agree entirely with the ideology far right white terrorists.

I’m sure you’ll have no problem answering to your employers for your words - cunts like you have no problem with doxxing - one of you tried to do it to me last year - anyway wouldn’t it be just an expression of free speech, hey?

Do you any function on this forum apart from from getting offended at my comments? It’s just that you know, you’re so easily triggered by me. :grin: