US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Clinton is dead right about Gabbard and Jill Stein too

No ways she runs though

I’ve been extremely suspicious of Gabbard for years

She’s running interference for Russia, and it’s been fucking obvious for a long time

When somebody flaunts what they are, believe it

Clinton is a bitter old cunt who is still looking for excuses why she lost in 2016. The reality is she lost primarily because the DNC under her direction openly shafted Bernie, resulting in many Democrats abstaining or voting for Jill Stein in protest. The DNC and the Democratic leaning media also promoted Trump as they thought he would be the easiest Republican to defeat. These were colossal errors which effectively handed the election to Trump.

Where is the evidence that Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian asset? She supported Bernie in 2016, is Bernie also a Russian asset? Like Bernie she opposes US military involvement in the ME, and called for withdrawal of troops. If the interpretation of this is handing power in the ME to Russia, then every other Democratic candidate except for Joe Biden and perhaps Pete Buttigeig is also guilty of the same. Especially Elizabeth Warren who has been very vocal in calling for troop withdrawal.

Who cares if Clinton is bitter

She’s right to be

Every time Gabbard opens her mouth she’s makes it obvious what she is

Do a bit of digging instead of always being left on the starting line

I know you’re angry at getting it wrong about Trump being a Russian asset

Fool you once, shame on you, fool you twice, eh, shame on you again, I think - I’ve sort of messed that one up

Lay off the brandy.

Clinton has no business inserting herself into the nomination process, she is a has been and she and her husband should stay on the sidelines. Attacking a candidate at this point just sows division, what’s the point given Gabbard is at 1% and hasn’t a notion of winning the nomination? It just adds to the image of Democrats being fragmented, at a time when they need to be united.

Clinton (any of them) being center stage is bad for Democrats.

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Clinton can say whatever she likes, and it helps if it’s accurate, which what she said yesterday is

That’s sort of the concept of free speech

And she’s been completely cleared of any wrongdoing, which I know will piss you and other propaganda eaters off no end

It’s time to end your unhealthy, “Clinton Cash”-driven obsession with her

As with Biden, all the conspiracies against her have proved to be exactly that

A load of shite

And I’m no particular fan of either

Gabbard is about as much of a Democrat as you

She’s been parroting Putin’s talking points and doing his bidding for the last three years, including visiting Assad and grovelling to him

And all the same predictable online right-wing astro-turf bot campaigning that we saw with Trump for her is there

She’s a Russian troll disruptor and a fraud, and a disgusting piece of work

As well as being very closely affiiated to the sickening piece of work that is Narendra Modi

She has an online “following” far in excess of her real popularity, which is pretty much zero

I suppose you’d probably like her if you’re the type of person that takes Eva Bartlett or Vanessa Beeley seriously as “journalists”

Figures that @alf_stewart likes her, he loves Putin

General rule is, is alf likes somebody or something, they or it are a piece of fake leftist right-wing garbage

Your defense of Clinton demonstrates how utterly clueless you are on US politics.

The Democratic party is a large spectrum, everything from hard leftists like yourself to conservatives. To you only hard leftists hold valid views, which is why hard leftists always lose.

As someone living in the US I can assure you if there is one thing that unites Republicans, Democrats and Independents it is that the Clintons should step aside and stay out of the limelight. Clinton has reason to be angry over 2016, but she should be angry at herself, if she had ran a clean campaign she would have kept Bernie’s supporters onside, instead of alienating them.

As for being cleared of wrongdoing, the State department has just cited 38 of their own officials for violations in the Clinton email probe. She is directly responsible for all of these violations by her flagrant disregard for established government protocol. She is rightly seen by most Americans as toxic.

Suck it up, mate, the Republican party and their whole associated bullshit industry has flung every piece of shit they could humanly come up with at her and none of it has stuck, because that’s what it all was, bullshit - “Clinton Cash” was a fraud

Same as with the attempted hit job on Biden

Meanwhile, in the real world, the US is being run by an actual criminal mob heavily tied to the Russian mafia and facilitating genocide at their whim and you have nothing to say on it

It must now be months since you attempted a comeback at any comment I made about Trump’s ties to Russia, the penny must have finally dropped

No comeback either on Gabbard

I’ve nothing to suck up, I’ve been consistently right on almost every issue since 2015, and you have been consistently wrong. You were 100% convinced that Mueller would find Trump and his campaign conspired with Russia, and yet Mueller found there was no evidence that any American conspired with Russia. Yet you are still bleating on about it as if you know more than Mueller who spent two years with all the resources available to him. A bit like you know more than the jury in the Paddy Jackson case.

Tulsi Gabbard has more credibility and honor than 99% of politicians, she voluntarily put on a uniform and put her life on the line, ironically to serve in a war that Hillary Clinton cheer led, who now is accusing her of being a traitor. Compared to the likes of Bill Clinton and Donald Trump, who dodged the draft, she is an absolute hero, it is despicable that a corrupt arrogant cunt like Clinton is attacking her. It is also interesting that someone at 1% in the polls is being attacked, breaking the old rule of not attacking down. The reason of course is that Gabbard is exposing Clinton’s horrendous record as Secretary of State.

A lot of Democrats had reservations about Biden’s son getting a plum job in Ukraine just as his daddy was appointed as the point man for Ukraine, a job he had no qualifications for, unless being a junkie counts. If it were a Republican you would be outraged.

You claimed Hillary Clinton was cleared of all wrongdoing, either lying again or delusional. 38 members that served under her in the State department have been cited for wrongdoing, and Comey outlined her wrongdoing in 2016. She would have gone to prison had she been at a lower level.

Like every typical hard leftist, you can never admit being wrong and never back down from your religious like ideology. As I said it’s the reason hard leftists are never taken seriously by the electorate of any modern democracy, as they are incapable of compromise and thus incapable of getting anything done.


A lot of non sequiturs there

Little of relevance, lots of denial

Tulsi Gabbard served in the US Army

And? So fucking what, she’s a stooge for Putin and Assad and uniformly takes their positions and talking points

Credibilty and honour are things that are not in her lexicon

Once you become a stooge for Putin and Asaad those things are gone permanently

If you want to exist in a parallel universe where Clinton is the devil and Trump a saint and where you are knowledgable about anything to do with US politics, I can’t stop you existing in that parallel universe

Believe what you want to believe, but there’s a real world going on out there and you are totally oblivious to it

That is what happens when you get all your news from far right propaganda sites

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Is Hillary serious about running again. Jesus wept, does she want Trump to win again? Is she actually a Russian agent?

Yes,double ballhop

and they are in hilary’s ?

Hillary and her establishment cronies going after the delectable tulsi gabbard is truly deranged.

Everything is russia, anyone who doesn’t support them, russian agent. Andrew Yang doesn’t think a comedian should be fired for asian jokes on snl, now he, yang, is considered a racist. So woke bro

caption comp

Far more so than in Tulsi Gabbard’s, that’s for sure

I’m no particular fan of Hillary Clinton, but she has more integrity and honour in her little toe than 100 Tulsi Gabbards have

The truth hurts for a lot of crazy people who invested a lot of emotional investment in a narrative that was proven to be bullshit

Meanwhile everything I’ve been saying over the last four years about US politics just keeps being proved correct

And I think that’s what kills certain posters here the most of all

Facelift off

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Media pundits and the other Democratic nominees were really struggling over the weekend to try and explain / avoid Clinton’s insane rant. MSNBC decided that Gabbard must be a Russian asset as she didn’t deny it strongly enough. It’s actually very simple to understand, but the truth is rarely important in such matters.

Gabbard has been exposing Clinton’s record on US foreign policy and incompetence as Secretary of State for the past few years, her support for the Iraq war which sent thousands of US troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths, the absolute clusterfucks in Libya and Syria, etc.

Gabbard of course was personally involved as she served in Iraq, her life directly threatened by Clinton’s actions. The closest Clinton got to combat was when she “landed under sniper fire in Bosnia” when the reality is she was greeted after landing by an 8 year old girl handing her a bouquet of flowers.

The second reason is that Gabbard dared to support Bernie in 2016 and resigned as vice chair of the DNC when it emerged that were actively shafting Bernie behind the scenes. No surprises there from the Clintons who spent their entire career shafting their opponents.

The third reason is that Gabbard is a very attractive woman compared to the grotesque Clinton. This is also the reason @Sidney is so triggered by this event as it reminds him of the time he stalked an attractive woman across the globe, when in reality he might stand a chance of getting the ride off Hillary.

