US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Tulsi Gabbard never defended her country from anything

Take it up with Bernie, the only self proclaimed socialist in the race.

Bernie can speak for himself, pal, and as far as I know doesn’t post here

You posted up the tweet so we can safely assume you think Tulsi Gabbard defended her country

Who or what did Tulsi Gabbard defend her country from, assuming that her country is actually the US - probably a bit of a leap there, but sure we’ll go with it for the craic

I read that and I don’t see any journalism there at all

I see an unhinged rant alright

I think I know what draws you to Taibbi, and sadly it is predictable

It’s the fact that he boasted about sexually harassing and assaulting a load of women, in Russia, of all places, isn’t it :grin:

I should have figured you’d like that :grin:

But Ames and Taibbi additionally write about how they also mercilessly sexual harassed and occasionally assaulted the women they encountered, both their colleagues in the Exile office and Russian women—some as young as 15—they met socially. Many of these passages have previously been quoted in Internet forums such as Reddit, but they took on a new life this morning on Twitter. Bayne summarized them in her review:

> Most notably, the Exile nurtures a peculiarly vicious and schizoid attitude toward women. While Russian women are rhapsodically celebrated as long-legged gazelles with loose morals—“the most physically attractive women on earth, and . . . usually available to the highest bidder,” expat women are ridiculed at length as “fat-ankled” and defensively sexless. Self-hating geeky American men are encouraged to take advantage of the perception that all Americans are rich and have oodles of condomless sex (sometimes in the ass!) with drunk, nubile dyevushkas . Ex-girlfriends are held up to public ridicule—Ames at one point chronicles his threats to kill a pregnant ex if she won’t have an abortion.

More selections from the book have surfaced online, including the following that involves Ames and Taibbi’s first business manager, an American woman named Kara:

*> We’d never given her any respect or credit. We were glory hogs and obnoxious jerks. Worst of all was our sexism. Our sexism and sexual harassment of the Russian female staff, as well as the sexism in our newspaper, was too much for her. Watching us harass the young female staff had to be the most painful part—because we’d never, in a million years, have thought of harassing her. *
*> “You know I’m not PC. But there’s a limit. You go too far. You’re always trying to force Masha and Sveta under the table to give you blow jobs. It’s not funny. They don’t think it’s funny,” Kara complained. *
> “But . . . it is funny,” Matt said.
> We have been pretty rough on our girls. We’d ask our Russian staff to flash their asses or breasts for us. We’d tell them that if they wanted to keep their jobs, they’d have to perform unprotected anal sex with us. Nearly every day, we asked our female staff if they approved of anal sex. That was a fixation of ours. “Can I fuck you in the ass? Huh? I mean, without a rubber? Is that okay?” It was all part of the fun. Fun that Kara was no part of.

Wow, what a guy

I see Kamala Harris also thinks Gabbard is a Russian plant :smiley:

If only there was somebody here who claimed to be working (!) for the Kamala Harris campaign :smiley:

The #KamalaHarrisDestroyed hashtag had disappeared from the list of trending U.S. terms by 9:30 a.m. Thursday.

Harris’s spokesman, Ian Sams, responded to the hashtag, noting that at least some of the accounts promoting it appeared to be bots.

“The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat,” he said.

Reporters writing their stories with eyes on the modern-day assignment desk of Twitter, read this:

"The Russian propaganda machine that tried to influence the 2016 election is now promoting the presidential aspirations of a controversial Hawaii Democrat"

— Ian Sams (@IanSams) August 1, 2019

The Wall Street Journal, citing the tool Storyful, later found that hundreds of Twitter accounts using the hashtag may have been bots. Studies show that Twitter bots are often used by foreign influencers, including by Russians in the 2016 presidential election. Storyful is a social-media analytics company that is owned by News Corp, which also owns the Journal.

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Leftists are devouring each other.

2020 is going to be epic.

I didn’t ask for one of your selfies, pal, or two as the case is here

I suppose I we can at least be thankful you didn’t post up something a lot worse from your hard drive

Pity you didn’t answer any questions or engage with a single one of my points

One can only do what they’re able to, I guess, which isn’t much in your case

Things are about to get even more interesting.

Rachel Madcow in full meltdown mode tonight. How dare anyone investigate US intelligence agencies for trying to influence the outcome of an election. Democrats couldn’t possibly be corrupt could they?

For somebody who claims to hate communism you sure love the concept of a corrupt dictatorship running show trials, don’t you :grin:

It’s amazing how the Trumpbots and Brexiteers are both such fans of Stalinism

What’s going on in Chile? Another US puppet in charge is murdering and shooting people on the streets ??

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Amazing how there’s complete silence from @anon7035031 and @Tim_Riggins on this

Murdering people is alright as long as it’s “their side” doing the murdering

And it would be far from the first time it happened in Chile

Far right warmonger Tulsi Gabbard has announced she won’t run for Congress in 2020

She was facing a very strong primary challenge

Presumably she will now focus on being a full time agitator and disruptor on behalf of the far right during the 2020 presidential campaign, she has already been a Fox News regular for years and always parrots Trump “talking points” on Hannity and Tucker Carlson

She is bought and paid for

This is a brilliant article about her and how she is a puppet of the Sangh, a “Hindu Nationalist” group heavily affiliated to the vile BJP of Narendra Modi

Modi is one of the most dangerous people in the world today, right up there with Putin and Trump

The Sangh are KKK-like in their ideology and obsession with a “pure” Hindu India

The Sangh and its affiliate groupings in the US have heavily funded all of Gabbard’s political campaigns

She refuses to answer any questions about her ties to them

The irony is Gabbard has no Indian family background and has only visited India once, in 2014, a trip funded by Modi

Gabbard herself grew up in an extremist Hindu cult called the Science of Identity Foundation and her family is reminiscent of the Westboro Baptist Church in their hatred of gay people

She herself is massively Islamophobic, except of course for her bosom buddy, the butcher of Damascus, Bashar Al-Assad

Gabbard is a complete fraud, a political fiction

Anybody with a brain saw right through her years ago

whataboutery incoming

Why don’t you set up an official Chilean thread to discuss this?

I dont know enough about it yet - I was hoping, as Chile seems to be an American run state, that the posters in the know here could set me straight.

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This seems to be an American run thread mate.

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The self styled “American” posters on this thread are supporters of both American fascism and fascism in general

You’ll know them by the way they perform incredible feats of mental gymnastics to deflect the reality of Trump’s criminality and/or praise him outright

They do the same for US-allied fascists around the world

We know whose side these cunts would have been on in the 1930s

It’s quite simple, Trump called President Pinera and ordered him to immediately raise subway prices by 4c.

Summer 2016, after Trump is nominated as the Republican nominee, FBI attorney Lisa Page texted FBI agent Peter Strzok asking “Trump’s not ever going to become President right?”. Strzok responds “No, no he’s not. We’ll stop it”.

The same month the FBI counterintelligence probe into Trump’s campaign is started, and Peter Strzok is appointed to lead the probe.

The evidence is clear that Obama’s DOJ / FBI / CIA actively worked to subvert democracy and influence the 2016 election. The noose is tightening now though, Brennan, Clapper, Strzok etc. must be absolutely shitting themselves.