US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Yes but I’m part of the small per cent that wouldn’t vote for a paedo or some cunt wearing a flat cap stinking of silage.

Oh so you are one of the good guys. :joy:


Yes mate, a serious shit hole indeed.


They didn’t you asshole. Don’t disparage the people of Alabama like that you Cork cunt. Most of them are decent, unlike the soulless, heart dead, zombies you live amongst.

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Where did you pick up the bit of communism? Was it on one of your finding yourself journeys though south east Asia? Vietnam?

Singapore is a lovely spot. Spent a weekend there good few years ago. Sensational food and talent on display.

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He’s the number one United States political commentator

Is metaphorical rape as bad as real child rape so?

I dont know why the fuck you are planning coming home for a visit the loathing of the place will drive you cracked

Have you seen the Roads in Co Kerry? Pipe down, bro.

The Healy Rae’s do the state some service. Sickening to see guttersnipe runaways here taking potshots.

Unreal talent.

He’ll be starved with the hunger in Oireland.

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their represent their constituents, that is the way politics work in Oireland

Mueller has a ton of Trump e-mails.

The Trumpets are gong mental over it, making laughable claims that the e-mails were obtained illegally, and that some are “privileged”, which is as good as an admission of guilt in itself.

What an irony to see the Trumpets losing the plot over e-mails. :laughing:

Mueller is really closing in on the bodies here. Trump will try to fire him before Christmas. The Republicans are already trying to shut down the House investigation.

This is going to become a battle to the death between the rule of law and a deeply corrupt regime that is attempting to turn the US into a banana republic.

ITrump doesn’t need to fire Mueller, he has already lost all credibility and is grasping at straws at this stage. For a man of his experience to hire such Hillary partisans as his senior investigators is simply staggering. You would think his senior FBI choice convincing Comey to not charge HRC would be a clue but he had to wait until the clown’s hate texts to his lover became public before removing him.

@sidney is still hoping for the big breakthrough, but sadly it is not forthcoming. Remember this is an investigation into whether the Trump team colluded with Russians to influence the outcome of the election. Having found no evidence Mueller is now expanding his probe so he can continue to milk the taxpayer in his fruitless endevour.

It’s now become crystal clear what happened. Obama stuffed the FBI and DOJ with hardline Democrats. Trumps mistake was not to fire all of them after inauguration. The Obama administration will go down in history as the most corrupt in US history. Unless of course one is so blindly partisan to see no problem with government employees working actively to support one parties candidate and try and destroy the other.

The Russian dossier was paid for by the DNC. It was delivered to the FBI and the FBI used it to procure warrants from the DOJ to allow wiretapping of Trumps entire team during the campaign. That is criminal behavior that dwarfs Watergate and trust me, people are going to go to jail.

Yes, indeed Trump has, except with you. :laughing:

Still peddling the Fox line? :grin:

It’s amazing that you’re gullible enough to believe it’s entirely normal to have extensive contact with the Russians at every turn during the campaign, transition, and presidency, and to lie about it as a matter of course.

Yet you can’t seem to get around the fact that people at every level of society have their own political opinions, which is entirely normal.

Could you tell us what political affiliation Mr. Mueller has, by the way? And, while you’re at it, Mr. Comey?

Hint: It starts with an R. And, unlike Trump, it’s not Russia.

Again, straight from Fox, almost verbatim.

Have you no opinions of your own?


I’m worried for your sanity, mate. Really, I am.

We’re getting to brass tacks now. It’s all about your hatred of black people. But that’s been obvious for years.

Oh, people are going to jail, alright.

You must have missed the indictments.

Probably while you were covering your eyes and ears to deny reality.

Two excellent threads - the first one explaining how the line being spun by Trump’s lawyers over these e-mails is a sham and the second explaining how Trump could attempt to fire Rosenstein, appoint a lackey in his place and stonewall the Mueller investigation.

Something is brewing anyway - there are strong rumours Kushner will be the next to be indicted.^tfw&

You’ve been wrong on every issue related to US politics for the past two years and likely much further back than that. Buckle up, you’re going to be on the wrong side again.

Perhaps you can get another thread named in your honor, so all is not lost.

You’re a classic case of “give 'em enough rope…”

What Fox News-approved bullshit “talking points” will you be shilling for today, mate?

Quelle surprise, the batshit Fox News conspiracy theory that poor @anon7035031 has been furiously pushing has fallen flat on its face.