US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Clapper has decades of experience in US intelligence. He knows the score.

The issue isn’t one of political views, every individual has the right to that and every government employee is protected by the first amendment to say what they like about anyone. The issue is political bias, whether any action was taken to try and influence an election. If the Russian dossier, paid for by the DNC, was used by this FBI member (or any FBI member), to gain a warrant from the DOJ to wiretap Trump’s campaign, that’s a much bigger story than Watergate and people are going to jail. This isn’t Ireland, people are actually held accountable in the US for political corruption.

It’s utterly derisory that you continue to mock Fox for being biased while furiously posting from CNN (far more biased) and nutter media outlets like Regardless of your opinion of the story on FBI collusion to influence an election, the reality is if Fox were not covering it, nobody would. Which of course is what nutters on the left want, to shut down any news they don’t approve of. So much for your respect for freedom of the press.

Keep digging though, you are and will be proven wrong once again. Like Liverpool in the EPL, you have that habit of always disappointing.

Oh, that’s not what you were saying before.

You’ve been on here for the last year screaming for Trump not to be investigated, trying to discredit the investigation, trying to discredit anybody who isn’t a shill for Trump.

Now, why would you do that, one has to ask? :grin:

You’ve proved without a shadow of a doubt that you have as much interest in seeing political corruption exposed as Chris Froome has for telling people the real reason he had so much salbutamol in his blood.

You’re the very one who has admitted in the past that Fox is not a trustworthy source. And yet you continue to parrot their line.

Ergo, you have absolutely no credibility.

The only people looking for news outlets to be shut down are Trump and his cronies. Again another irony that’s entirely lost on you.

Fox did not and are not covering a story on “FBI collusion to influence an election”. Guess who did? “Liberal” media. Fox ran a mile.

What are Fox peddling now? They’re peddling their insane conspiracy nonsense to try and bring down the Mueller investigation. Because they are a disinformation outlet.

And you swallow it, and the likes of Hannity and Jeannine Pirro, whole.

You have no understanding of either media or reality, so your assessment of what “bias” is, as always, deservedly dismissed.

I think what most disappoints you about me is the fact that I keep showing up your idiocy. To be fair, I’m not doing it alone. You could call that collusion on your part, I guess. But sure, like the Russians, I like to cultivate assets.

@Sidney and @anon7035031 over the next days of christmas joy and reflection, I want you both to think very carefully about some new years resolutions.

A visit to a shrink for @sidney?

What’s disappointing about you is you have turned out to be a most unworthy rival. After taking a shellacking last year during the presidential campaign, you didn’t have the intellect to take your beating and bunker down for a while. Instead you chose to double down and make a complete idiot of yourself, embracing every left wing nut conspiracy theory regarding not just Trump, but the US in general.

Just a few corrections, not that it matters.
A govt employee in the US is protected by the first amendment, a private sector employee isn’t.
Fox is biased, but it’s the only conservative outlet to rival CNN and MSNBC. Again, unless you want a totalitarian state, you should welcome diverse media outlets.
I have never called for Trump not to be investigated, indeed I welcome it, still waiting for evidence of collusion during the election though.

As for “and not just by me” :joy::joy::joy:
You have two followers on here, @carryharry who makes a serious claim for clown of the entire internet, and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy who has you dancing to his tune, the stereotypical hold my jacket type coward.

You are a busted flush mate, rebrand or stick to your shit lyrics.


Nobody read that, mate, but well done on typing it out anyway.


Nice to see Shannonsider has gone from strength to strength since leaving TFK

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Great news about POTUS getting the tax cut passed. Not a peep out of the loony left.

Rachel Maddow absolutely demolished Trump’s tax bill last night.

62% of the benefits of the tax bill were to go to the top 1%. But that wasn’t kleptocratic enough for Republicans.

The changes made in the last two weeks to make sure it got the necessary votes from Republicans, means that the top 1% now stand to benefit from 83% of the benefits.

People can now leave $22m to their children tax free.

A change to the bill added in the last few days will cost $414m and benefits real estate developers such as Trump and Bob Corker. Quelle suprise, Corker changed his vote to support the bill after this amendment, which would personally benefit him, was added.

Trump and his family stand to benefit to the tune of over billion dollars - Forbes estimates it at $1.24 billion. Utterly shameless.

It’s pro-cyclical, meaning it will feed into a bubble, won’t create new jobs, will add over $1.5 trillion dollars to the US’s deficit and as well as being a giant cash grab by the richest, is designed specifically to gut state welfare and healthcare.

It’s kleptocracy on a monstrous scale, but that’s what the Republican party, the most transparently evil and dangerous major political organisation in the western world, is dedicated to.

And it’s the most unpopular major legislation passed in the US for decades.

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There is a fair bit of squealing from the wealthy elites on the eastern and western coasts who are losing a significant portion of the deductions they currently enjoy for state taxes, mortgages on their mansions and property taxes. It wouldn’t be usual for such members of the 1% to have deductions of greater than $50k which is now limited to $10k. This segment of the rich will be paying more tax.

Rachel and her cohort are raging as their taxes will go up significantly, as they should as they are high earners. It’s a bit disingenuous to complain about tax cuts for the rich when you are raking in millions a year and after deductions have been paying a paltry amount of tax. This bill addresses that issue and people like Rachel will be paying more of their fair share.

Your ignorance of all matters US is astounding. Working class pay effectively no income tax in the US and lower middle class pay very little. Please compare US income tax rates to Ireland, for example the effective income tax rate for a couple on say 80k a year is about 15%. They will pay less under the new legislation.

There’s lots of things about the legislation I don’t like, but fundamentally it is pro small business which is the engine of the economy. Small businesses employ 53% of the workforce and have been crippled by taxes and regulations. Lowering the corporate tax rate is the right thing to do, no logic behind the US being 39% and rest of the developed world 20% on average. I disagree with lowering the top band for individuals but it is offset by reducing or eliminating deductions.

The US economy is doing fine, growth is accelerating and wages starting to rise. That’s really all that matters to most people. It’s a pro business tax bill and people get upset by that, forgetting that business provides them employment.


Given that the fact that the top 1% will pay an average of €51,000 dollars less in tax seems to have escaped you, your latest piece of know-nothing idiocy isn’t even worth responding to, but anyway.

The working class will end up paying more tax, not less. That’s because the miniscule tax cuts they will receive under this bill are temporary. 53% of all people will end up paying more tax.

And Trump has eliminated the tax penalty for those not covered by health insurance by removing the individual mandate. That means the sick will end up paying far more for health insurance and 13 million more people will become uninsured.

But social Darwinian cunts like you wouldn’t care about that.

Your absence from your former country, former county and former community only benefits them and makes them stronger, because at the heart of your ideology is a perverse desire to see communities and any sort of social solidarity destroyed.

Your projection of your proven lack of knowledge onto others really is very boring. It so bugs you that a poster in Ireland continually shows you up to be out of depth in this discussion, doesn’t it?

The effective US corporation tax rate is 18%. Nevada and slashed its corporate tax rates to 0%, Kansas slashed it too. Both were spectacular failures.

Kansas proved that supply side economics is a sham, as its budget revenues collapsed. And that’s what’ll happen to the US too.

It won’t result in corporations moving jobs to the US, it’ll result in stock buyback and kleptocratic accumulation of wealth. And who says this? The people who should actually know - CEOs.

The US economy is doing fine because Obama set it back on an even keel. It’s nothing to do with Trump, who like Bush, has decided for kleptocratic reasons to steer the US down a proven failed course, towards another bubble and crash.

Income inequality is the biggest issue economies face. This exacerbates it and then some.

You are confused regarding income inequality versus wealth inequality. Rachel Maddow has very high income but maybe not high wealth. She should pay higher taxes as she has high current income, that’s how taxation works. She is the rich you are moaning about.

The rest of your post descends into delusion and doesn’t deserve a response.

He’s clueless mate. Zero professional, educational or lived experience of US tax matters, economics or social policy. Parrots what he reads in Vox and the Post. An unemployed, uneducated paddy who relies on social welfare for his very existance, of course he is terrified of the US. A useless cunt like him wouldn’t last a month without a social net to rely on.

Does he even have a basic understanding of supply side economics, outside of repeating a phrase he read online? I doubt it.

And again, you’re unable to deal with any of the points made.

At least you’ll always have @Enrique to help you, like the pathetic little lapdog bot he is.

Gunboat diplomacy

I see the Wall Street Journal is haemorrhaging journalists. Hardly surprising that good reporters want out of it givenhow Rupert Murdoch has trampled the paper’s reputation into the dirt by enforcing a craven sycophanctic editorial line towards Trump.

Those were heavy losses in pages whose content is managed by fewer than thirty people in total. And the reason, according to several defectors, was the Journal’s skidding reversal once Rupert Murdoch realized Trump could win. Several sources pointed to the editorials by one writer, James Freeman. “All-in for Ted Cruz” during the primaries, Freeman wrote a strong attack on Trump’s Mob dealings, and had a second ready to go. But as Trump got closer to clinching the nomination, Paul Gigot kept delaying publication, saying “it needed work.” Once Trump became the likely Republican nominee, Freeman executed a neat volte-face. “The facts suggest that Mrs. Clinton is more likely to abuse liberties than Mr. Trump,” he wrote. “America managed to survive Mr. Clinton’s two terms, so it can stand the far less vulgar Mr. Trump.”

(Trump’s Mafia connections are the sort of scandal that would have killed an ordinary candidacy but barely even register on the outsize scale of Trump scandals.)

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How the fuck does someone get killed by a lawnmower? Never mind 69 of them.

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