US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

I believe in equitable taxation. I don’t care where you chose to live, you should pay the same tax. If local taxation is too high in CA then move. Or change your local government which is what needs to happen.

Given that you supported a tax bill in which 83% of the benefits go to the top 1%, that’s an easily disprovable falsehood.

It’s the sort of shit Renua peddled here, and they thankfully got 1% of the vote and 0 seats.

The simple fact is that you believe in an economic system which is loaded in favour of the richest. You believe in failed economics.

I’m an Irish citizen mate, proud of it, and chose to spend as much time in Ireland as I want.

When I need advise from a useless cunt who is dependent of the Irish State, a state I pay taxes to unlike you, I’ll let you know.


I pay taxes every single day in this state.

You don’t.

You’re so useless you had to emigrate.

Stay emigrated, for all our sakes.

You have no understanding of US taxation. A tax cut automatically favors the rich as the rich pay most of the taxes. People on low to medium income pay no Fucking tax you idiot. It’s not like Ireland where working people are cripppled with taxation to pay for useless able bodied cunts who refuse to work.

It’s fucking laughable that you think you know anything about US taxation, or any taxation, given that I’ve just clamped the fuck out of you on the subject.

Yes you pay taxes on your cans of Tuborg.

I didn’t have to emigrate as unlike you I have extensive qualifications and experience in a competitive field.

Only one of us is a failure, remember.

You wouldn’t clamp a bicycle mate. I’ve been handling the filing of my taxes, federal and state, for a few decades in the US, how about you?

Yes, you’re extensively qualified in being a far right moron, a field in which there is indeed yuuuge competition in the US.

Yes, you.

You’re comparing yourself to a bicycle, now?

Figures, you’re happy to let yourself get ridden.

IRS doesn’t stand for Irish Racist Simpleton, by the way.

You could definitely handle the paperwork for that, I’d venture. Taxes, not so much.

You’re starting to fade mate, go to bed. I still have 5 hours of armistice left.

Sigh. It’s no wonder nobody will publish your drivel.

You’re still stuck down in your imaginary WWI trench with the rats running around you? 1917 by name, 1917 by nature.

You really do drag everything down low into the mud, don’t you?

Steel lay offs are coming, and so are coal lay offs.

And those who aren’t laid off can look forward to a nice dose of black lung.

Dig up, stupid.

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So, here we are almost a year in. Reported lowest approval ratings of any president, under constant attack from every mainstream news outlet expect Fox News, under relentless attack from not just Democrats but many in his own party… and then this…^tfw&

but, but Obama was universally loved by everyone…

maybe not… and maybe not for good reason.

or maybe this pissed off a few people…

Three posts of pure whataboutery. You know you are dealing with a narrow-minded cretin when he bangs on incessantly about the politicians in the other party. As bad as listening to my Fine Gael Father bang on about Fianna Fail.

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@sidney is going to have a nuclear internet meltdown when he reads this.

What whataboutery pal?