US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

It’s much easier (and safer) to get outraged about perceived or real injustices that are distant. The acid test in Ireland is the attitude towards travellers, cunts freaking out about a caravan being seen near their housing estate and calling the cops, while sipping champagne and tut tutting about big bad Trump’s treatment of the poor Guatemalans.

You would swear Ireland was taking in massive numbers of refugees. The latest numbers I have seen shows Ireland takes in about 500 refugees a year* (20% of applicants). To put the crisis on the US southern border into perspective, in addition to this number, you have to imagine 1,000 refugees a month arriving up the Shannon estuary.

That would soften the cunts cough.

  • The US takes in about 100,000 refugees and asylum seekers a year, to put things into perspective.

They will cry at pictures of kids being seperated from their parents at the Mexican US border and express their disgust on the INTERNET but will do or express fuck all about Ireland opening it’s borders up. And that accounts for pretty much everyone on here except for @Sidney, who in fairness wants every country in the world to be equally poor and shit. Not sure how he will deal with this in practical terms when his giro and free internet is cut off but he doesn’t have any self respect as a starting point. The paddies make me sick.

Most of the paddies are fairly sound mate, but are becoming more like US liberals every day. Not a clue what being left wing means but socialism ya! Not a clue regarding the historical growth of capitalism and democracy hand in hand, and the losing battle socialism put up.

A lot of them work for US multinationals which is even more bizarre.

To actually put things in perspective;
The US has a population of 365m people. If they accept 100,000 refugees a year as you claim (they are actually on course for about 60,000 this year but how and ever) then that’s one for every 3,650 people living in the US.

Ireland accepted 600 refugees and another 115 were given protection status last year but we took in 2,900. Only 90 were actually rejected the rest are pending or a rejection rate of around 11%.

For Ireland to match the US rate of one for every 3,650 people a year we’d need to take in a total 1,287 people in a YEAR. Not a thousand a month. And the great news is we are already surpassing it. Significantly.

I know actual facts have no place here but there you go


Unfortunately facts are irrelevant for certain people in this argument🤔

@anon7035031 and @Enrique are the sort of simpletons whose gut reaction if they saw Paul McGrath or Jason Sherlock or Lee Chin or the Pakistani lad who played for the Mayo under-21s or the lad from Liberia whose name I can’t remember who plays corner back for Westmeath, is to think “we’re under siege”.

I’m surprised they’re ever able to get out of bed, they seem so petrified about everything.

The fact that that they are immigrants themselves (@anon7035031 was an asylum seeker, I think the other chap left Ireland due to being a nonce) is lost on them.


Way to miss my point you absolute roaster.

I don’t know why I’m wasting my time but here goes. The numbers that cross the US southern border illigally each year are at a run rate of 600,000 per year. Do your math again comparing the relative populations of Ireland and the US.

The confusion simpletons are having is between the numbers of refugees seeking asylum status in any country and the numbers granted asylum. In that regard Ireland is dead last in Europe, and a disgrace internationally, and the US is still way ahead.

I know it’s a hard message for the lefties in Ireland to take, but the record of Ireland with regards to accepting migrants is dismal.

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As I have always said, you can judge the quality of a post from the characters that give the post likes. In that regard you have confirmed you are a simpleton who only fellow simpletons could agree with.

In all honesty though, you truly attract the most serious of the simpletons.

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If a post attracts a shrieking response from yourself, it’s a certifiable mark of quality.

Why do you hate immigrants?

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I don’t hate anyone, you stupid fuck. I am an immigrant myself and live among immigrants.

The US accepts 1.2 million immigrants each year and also accepts 50-100 thousand refugees and asylum seekers. I am very happy to live in such a generous country with regards to immigration.

You, on the other hand, live in country with an abysmal record on accepting refugees. What are you doing about it you useless fuck?

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You’re an ex pat mate

An expaddy.

Ah look it doesn’t matter it was all the other fella’s fault even it was Trump policy. The sooner this accepted we can all move on.

Trump would never lie.

Better question - why did you move to America, the other side of the planet, and become an American citizen to spend all day everyday on an Irish Internet forum fighting about GGA and FF/FG with shut-ins and OCD sufferers?

You should come home mate. The weather is beautiful right now. We could get a 99 in Salthill, catch a hockey game, go to Tuam and feel embarrassed, throw rocks at tinker children, whatever it is Galway folk do.

On the Irish, Ireland is the only rich Western country, along with Canada, whose politics hasn’t been taken over by the immigration issue because despite taking in relatively huge numbers the Irish don’t give a fuck. We’re the most tolerant and humane people in the world.


@anon7035031 is one of these lads who got his visa and wants to pull the ladder up behind them.Ive met loads of lads like him in my time over there.

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Did they get you fucked out once the footpaths were tamped and floated?

Yeah those fuckers who like to tell you how backward things are over here compared to the States or Australia.

You’re very touchy for a racist.