US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Fucking Mussolini! :sweat_smile:

An American senator! Who was bleating on recently about it being the best democracy in the world? Murica! :laughing:

Murica wouldn’t send mercenaries to get involved in a conflict in another sovereign country, would it?

Is there no bottom to the stupidity of leftists? Do yourself a favor and stop parroting everything the nutcase says as he will drag you you into the gutter with him.

Mussolini was a originally a socialist, a fervent Marxist. Like all fervent Marxists who come to power he became a genocidal maniac, just like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc. History is very clear on this, all Marxists who promise a fair and just society deliver gulags, misery, poverty for all, and genocide.

Cornyn is a clown but his basic point is valid, vote for rabid socialists and you get totalitarianism.

Hey @anon7035031 does this mean that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea is democratic?

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I’ll field this one on his behalf. Yes, it does. It also means the GDR was democratic.

It also means when somebody is pulling your leg, they’re literally pulling your leg, or when they’re taking the piss out of you, they’re catheterising you.

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According to surveys of NK defectors (who would hardly be fans of the regime) Kim Jong-un enjoys the support of the majority of North Koreans.

When you think about it, it’s not that hard to accomplish when you execute anyone who disagrees with you with a flamethrower.

According to your president, the president of North Korea is a great guy. :laughing:

You’re obviously not much of a poker player.

I don’t play poker at all though I did watch a bit of Late Night Poker on Channel 4 circa 1999-2001.

I’m not sure what that has to do with anything though - I’m only going on the public utterances of your current president, which have showered Kim with praise.

Presumably you agree with this.

He’s a smart cookie.

NK ceased launching missiles in 2017. I would say whatever the current US administration is doing is more successful than previous administrations.

That’s the way the Trump crumbles.

He only had a couple, shot his load and now has none left. :slight_smile:

He took the train to Vietnam, 60 hours :joy:

Top speed 38 mph. He’s a smart cookie.

If taking the train was good enough for Lenin, it’s good enough for Kim.

A slow train though China is still quicker than a slow boat to China.

What a day we have in store tomorrow…

The US president in critical talks to avert a nuclear confrontation on the Korean peninsula, his adversary having traveled 60 hours by train from Pyongyang, only stopping for a few fag breaks on the way. The world awaits with bated breath to see if peace in our time can be secured. Meanwhile India and Pakistan are threatening to start lobbing missiles as well, it’s all happening at once.

Back in the capital, Trump’s former attorney, the liar Michael Cohen gets to occupy the entire US Senate for three days to determine if his new lies are any better than his old lies. Already heading to prison for lying to investigators and congress, he is now going to tell the truth as he heads off to the slammer :rofl:

Perhaps most fascinating, Fed chairman Powell testifies to the House of Representatives. This will be the opportunity for AOC to ask why the Fed printed 4 trillion dollars to bail out the wealthy and why can’t he just print 10 trillion dollars so she can have her dream come true, free healthcare for all, free third level tuition for all, knock down and rebuild all buildings in a green manner, and of course pay everyone a decent wage including those that have no desire or willingness to work.

I’m sure there’s something I’m forgetting.

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I’ve no doubt.