US Politics - A Society in Meltdown

Probably worried if he took the plane it’d fall out of the sky

@anon7035031 destroyed there. Unbelievable .

Senator Clay Higgins ripping this liar Cohen apart here now

jesus, Cohen is a person of very low credibility

Being a liar and of low credibility is exactly why he worked for Trump for so many years.

The truth is coming out now, though.

He would have gone to jail for decades if he hadn’t accepted the plea bargain to try and incriminate Trump. Today is just a circus organized by the Democrats who have been coaching him for weeks on what to say.


Another disgraceful showing from the Democrats. Cohen has given nothing new here, what a joke.


CNN and MSNBC were creaming themselves last night in anticipation of all the new disclosures Cohen would make. What a bunch of clowns.

Is it over?

Anything interesting come out other than Trump doesn’t want anyone to know his college grades?

Nothing interesting. Republicans asking why they should believe him today when he lied under oath the last time he testified, and Democrats trying to get him to disclose new information when he has none.
It’s a circus.


Being a liar and of low credibility is exactly why he worked for Trump for so many years.

The truth is coming out now, though.

That is the important point

No shit Sherlock.

I caught some of this earlier.

The behaviour of the Republican questioners I saw was humiliating for US “democracy”.

Reps. Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan and Carol Miller were interested in nothing but pathetic partisan grandstanding to their slack jawed yokel constituents.

Exactly like what hapenned in the Kavanaugh hearings, it’s almost as if they have no intention whatsoever of finding out the truth, never mind confronting it. :grin:

I added the “almost” for sarcastic effect there, by the way.

The Republican party is an evil, anti-democracy, anti-truth nest of snakes that needs to be smashed for the sake of the world.

Kim completely neutralising Agent Orange in Vietnam.

This isn’t so much #somuchlosing as #somuchcapitulating.

What an absolute humiliation for the United States of America that this moron is president.

Republican Rep. Mark Meadows brought a black HUD worker who previously worked for the Trump organisation to the Cohen hearing today to try and “prove” that Donald Trump could not be racist.

Some time soon, a Republican will try and make out that confederate slave owners couldn’t have been racist, because their slaves were black.

What a fucking disgrace of a “news” organization CNN has become. The President of the United States meeting today with the North Korean dictator to continue a dialog to reduce tension on the Korean peninsula, and hopefully avoid a conflict which could take 10 million lives in 30 minutes. Meanwhile Pakistan has shot down two Indian military jets and India are massing troops on the Pakistani border.

Might the American public want to know about the talks in Vietnam or the potential for a nuclear conflict between India and Pakistan? Nope, wall to wall overage all day and all night on Trump having paid off a porn star that he allegedly had an affair with when he was a private citizen. Not a second allotted to the news items above, but guest after guest wheeled out to bash Trump.

It’s no wonder the American public regard the mainstream media as an absolute joke.


I can’t actually believe I had to switch to Fox News to actually get any news. Kim Jong-un actually live on camera at a press conference, answering a reporters question and speaking positively about the dialog with the US. First time I for one had heard him speak and hear his words directly translated.

Meanwhile CNN and MSNBC are boycotting and still talking about Trump paying off a porn star. What a disgrace to journalism.

Gas fucking cunts

@anon7035031 just in case you didn’t hear, the summit finished early with the planned signing postponed.

Trump doesn’t seem to be much of a deal maker.

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